A college football association has a database to record various data about their teams, players and affiliated university. The following relational model presents the relationship between the tables:...

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A) Using the previous information write the SQL statement creating the Player table.

A college football association has a database to record various data about their teams, players<br>and affiliated university.<br>The following relational model presents the relationship between the tables:<br>Team<br>TeamID<br>TeamName<br>City<br>State<br>Win<br>Los<br>Player<br>PlayerlD<br>PlayerName<br>Age<br>Position<br>TeamID<br>CollegelD<br>College<br>CollegelD<br>CollegeName<br>City<br>State<br>We have the following information about the attributes:<br>Team:<br>- TeamID is an integer and is the Primary Key of the Team table<br>- TeamName is a chain of no more than 30 characters<br>- City is a chain of no more than 25 characters<br>- State is a chain of 2 characters<br>- Win is an integer<br>- Loss is an integer<br>Player:<br>- PlayerlD is an integer and is the Primary Key of the Player table<br>- PlayerName is a chain of no more than 50 characters<br>- Age is an integer<br>- Position is a chain of no more than 15 characters<br>- TeamID is an integer and is a foreign key of the Player table<br>- CollegelD is an integer and is a foreign key of the Player table<br>College:<br>- CollegelD is an integer and is the Primary Key of the College table<br>- CollegeName is a chain of no more than 30 characters<br>- City is a chain of no more than 25 characters<br>- State is a chain of 2 characters<br>

Extracted text: A college football association has a database to record various data about their teams, players and affiliated university. The following relational model presents the relationship between the tables: Team TeamID TeamName City State Win Los Player PlayerlD PlayerName Age Position TeamID CollegelD College CollegelD CollegeName City State We have the following information about the attributes: Team: - TeamID is an integer and is the Primary Key of the Team table - TeamName is a chain of no more than 30 characters - City is a chain of no more than 25 characters - State is a chain of 2 characters - Win is an integer - Loss is an integer Player: - PlayerlD is an integer and is the Primary Key of the Player table - PlayerName is a chain of no more than 50 characters - Age is an integer - Position is a chain of no more than 15 characters - TeamID is an integer and is a foreign key of the Player table - CollegelD is an integer and is a foreign key of the Player table College: - CollegelD is an integer and is the Primary Key of the College table - CollegeName is a chain of no more than 30 characters - City is a chain of no more than 25 characters - State is a chain of 2 characters

Jun 11, 2022

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