A C Program has the following declaration and initial assignments:int i=8,j=5,k;float x=0.25,y=-0.1,z;char a,b,c='c',d='d';Determine the value for each of the following assignment expressions.Use the...

A C Program has the following declaration and initial assignments:int i=8,j=5,k;float x=0.25,y=-0.1,z;char a,b,c='c',d='d';Determine the value for each of the following assignment expressions.Use the values initially assigned for each variable.i)z=k=xii)y-=ziii)it=(j-2)iv)z=x+yv)k=z=xvi)k=(j==5)?i:jvii)i-=2viii)c==100ix)a=(cx)i%=jxi)i/=jxii)k=c

May 19, 2022

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