. A block of code is enclosed in a set of 1. braces { } 2. parentheses ( ) 3. double quotes " " 4. brackets [ ] ck of code is enclosed in a set of true or false Declaring an array reference variable...

. A block of code is enclosed in a set of

1. braces { }

2. parentheses ( )

3. double quotes " "

4. brackets [ ] ck of code is enclosed in a set of

true or false Declaring an array reference variable does not create an array

Breaking a program down into small manageable methods

1. Makes problems more easily solved.

2. Allows for code reuse.

3. Simplifies programs.

4. All of these

True or false In the method header, the method modifier public means that the method belongs to the class, not a specific object

True or false Application software refers to programs that make the computer useful to the user

May 19, 2022

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