A. Add a new folder to the DBP Web site named MI. Create a Web page for Morgan Importing in this folder, using the file name index.html. Link this page to the DBP Web page.
B. Create an appropriate ODBC data source for your database.
C. Create a view called Store Purchases View that has the columns Store Name, City, Country, Email, Contact, Purchase Date, Item Description, Category, and Price USD.
D. Code a PHP page to display Store Purchases View. Using your sample database, demonstrate that your page works.
E. Code two HTML/PHP pages to receive a date value As Of Date and display rows of Store Purchases for purchases having Purchase Date greater than or equal to As Of Date. Using your sample database, demonstrate that your pages work.
F. Code two HTML/PHP pages to receive values of Country and Category and display rows of Store Purchases having values for input Country and Category values. Using your sample database, demonstrate that your pages work.
G. Write a stored procedure that receives values for Purchase Item ID and New Price USD and sets the value of Price USD to New Price USD for the row having the given value of Purchase Item ID. Generate an error message if no row has the given value of Purchase Item ID. Using your sample database, demonstrate that your stored procedure works.
H. Code two HTML/PHP pages to invoke the stored procedure created in part G. Using your sample database, demonstrate that your page works.