A 650 meter radius curve is introduced between straight portions of a Broad Gauge measuring 1750 mm
Railway line intersecting- to form a total deviation of 70 degrees. The speed for determining the equilibrium
cant is fixed at 85 kph and the maximum sectional speed is 110 kph while booked speed is 50 kph. The
maximum permissible cant and cant deficiency are 165 mm. and 100 mm. respectively. On Broad Gauge
Cant Excess should not be allowed to exceed 75mm. Calculate the following:
3.1. Equilibrium cant in mm
3.2. Maximum permissible speed in kph
3.3. Length of transition in meters ( largest value) using the following equations stated below:
Extracted text: millimetres. Figure for Problems 2 and 3 Centrifugal Force Resultant Force Weight Superelevation