A 500 mm square concrete column carries a factored ultimate vertical column load of 780 kN. The vertical service load is 650 kN. It is to be supported on a square footing with f′ c = 17 MPa and fy =...

A 500 mm square concrete column carries a factored ultimate vertical column load of
780 kN. The vertical service load is 650 kN. It is to be supported on a square footing with

c = 17 MPa and fy = 420 MPa. The soil has an allowable bearing pressure for bearing cap-
acity of 650 kPa (based on LRFD methods) and an allowable bearing stress for settlement of

160 kPa. The groundwater table is at a great depth. Determine the required footing width, thick-
ness, size of the flexural reinforcement, and show your design in a sketch.

Jun 10, 2022

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