91) On the Home page you are able to select Customers to create ________, receive payments, create sales receipts, view and print statements and charges and enter refunds and credits. 92) On the Home...

91) On the Home page you are able to select Customers to create ________, receive payments, create sales receipts, view and print statements and charges and enter refunds and credits.

92) On the Home page you are able to select Banking to record ________, reconcile, write checks, print checks, and review the check register.

93) After entering a vendor receipt or bill, you can then ________ the vendor.

94) The ________ button on the Title Bar of a window will reopen that window to its original size if it was minimized.

95) At the bottom of a Help topic, you can choose to submit comments to improve the topic by selecting the ________ icon.

96) Each time you finish working on a company you should ________ the company data file.

97) The ________ utility performs a backup on the company currently open in the software.

98) To back up a company file select: File >> ________ on the main menu or click the Backup icon on the Icon bar to open the Backup window and choose next to complete the backup.

99) It is possible to back up a company file online or as a ________ backup.

May 15, 2022

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