• The direct instruction model is characterized by full-class (as opposed to small-group) instruction; by the organization of learning based on questions posed by you; by the provision of detailed and...

• The direct instruction model is characterized by full-class (as opposed to small-group) instruction; by the organization of learning based on questions posed by you; by the provision of detailed and redundant practice (that may be supplemented by computer software); by the presentation of material so learners master one new fact, rule, or sequence before the teacher presents the next; and by the formal arrangement of the classroom to maximize drill and practice.

• Direct instruction is most appropriate when the content in texts and workbooks does not appear in appropriately sized pieces, when your active involvement in the teaching process is necessary to arouse or heighten student interest, and when the content to be taught represents task-relevant prior knowledge for subsequent learning.

May 19, 2022

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