“She fries like bacon.” The case of Brianna K. Chief Complaint: Skin lesion Clinical History: Brianna K. was a 25-year-old woman, a fashion model with striking red hair and fair skin. She appeared in...

“She fries like bacon.” The case of Brianna K.

Chief Complaint: Skin lesion Clinical History: Brianna K. was a 25-year-old woman, a fashion model with striking red hair and fair skin. She appeared in a dermatologist’s office with her husband. “I can’t see it very well because it’s back here,” she said, reaching her right hand behind her neck to point out a lesion just below her collar. “A doctor friend saw it two weeks ago at a picnic. There was blood on the back of my blouse and she took a peek at it. She said people like me with fair skin tend to suffer more from sun exposure than others and this could be related and I should have a dermatologist look at it. It surprised me a lot because I get regular checkups with my gynecologist, but she never mentioned it.” When questioned about how long the lesion had been present, neither Brianna nor her husband could be sure. “It’s in an area that’s usually under my collar where I can’t see it,” she said. “I’ve noticed it but never really paid any attention,” her husband added. “It’s hard for me to believe this could be related to sun exposure. She is very careful about her skin and appearance because it’s so important in her job. If she gets a little too much sun, she fries like bacon.” Brianna added, “I turn red as a beet. I even blistered a time or two when I was a child.”

Further medical history revealed the usual childhood illnesses and excellent general health. She had never been hospitalized and her only physician visits were for an annual gynecologic exam. She had a son two years old. Her parents were living and in good health. Dermatologic history revealed that she was allergic to poison ivy and reported that she was “allergic” to household cleaning fluids. “If it involves cleaning with some kind of detergent, I leave it to him,” she said, pointing to her husband. “My hands become ugly red in an instant if I don’t. But fortunately it goes away quickly.” The dermatologist asked other questions, which revealed her hands to be red, dry and without blisters. When questioned about other skin complaints, she laughed and said, “I’m in fashion and my pale skin and red hair are my best assets. Photographers love my freckles, even this mole on my cheek,” she said pointing to a small dark mole. “But good skin is a fragile thing. Most girls I know can model for a while when they are pregnant but my face turned blotchy brown.

My husband and I laughed about me finally getting a tan. Thank goodness it went away after our son was born.” Physical Examination and Other Data: Vital signs were normal. She was thin and appeared in good health. Her face was freckled and she had numerous small, pink or lightly pigmented skin lesions scattered over her torso and upper arms and thighs, the largest of which was the one on her back. The dermatologist examined the lesion, took a close photograph, and recommended excisional biopsy, which was performed by a plastic surgeon the following week. Clinical Course: Several days after surgery the following pathology report was sent to the dermatologist. Gross description: The specimen is an ellipse of pale skin 3.5 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm. In the center is a roughly circular lesion 0.8 cm in diameter. The periphery is flat, irregular, and unevenly pigmented—some areas nearly black, others light tan to pink. In the center is a small, smooth, raised pink–brown nodule 0.4 cm in diameter. The remainder of the lesion varies from pink, shiny and smooth, to rough and black. Several pigmented satellite lesions are present around the periphery of the main lesion. Microscopic study: The main lesion is a nodular mass of melanocytes with considerable variation of nuclear size and shape. Occasional mitotic figures are present and many cells have a large, eosinophilic nucleolus. Spreading outward from the main mass are clusters of atypical melanocytes at the dermal-epidermal junction, some of which form small satellites at the edge of the main growth. The surface of the tumor is focally ulcerated. Tumor extends to the junction of the papillary and reticular dermis (Clark level III). Minimal lymphocytic reaction is present. Breslow maximum tumor thickness is 2.0 mm. No lymphatic, perineural or vascular invasion is present. The margins of resection are free of neoplasm. Diagnosis: Nodular malignant melanoma, Breslow tumor thickness 2.0 mm; Clark level III. Clinical Course: Further detailed family research revealed that the patient had an uncle in Ireland who had died of malignant melanoma. At a follow-up appointment, the dermatologist made a careful photographic survey of Brianna’s skin. She was found to have dozens of moles. Four of these proved to be dysplastic nevi and were excised. Each showed melanocytic atypia, but there was no evidence of advancement to malignant melanoma. She was referred to an oncologist for supervision of further care. Physical examination and multiple imaging studies show no enlarged lymph nodes or other evidence of metastasis. The biopsy site was reexcised. No residual tumor was identified. Brianna was treated according to an experimental immunotherapy protocol. In her third year of follow-up, liver metastases were found. Brianna died 44 months after diagnosis, a few days after her 29th birthday

May 06, 2022

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