“His water looks like Coca-Cola.” The case of Jesus S.
Chief Complaint: Dark urine
Clinical History: Jesus S. was a 10-year-old Hispanic boy who was brought by his mother to a community health clinic in a remote part of west Texas. The nearest physician was 80 miles away. When the physician assistant (PA) asked the reason for the visit, Jesus’s mother said, referring to his urine, “His water looks like Coca-Cola.” She went on to say that she thought it might have been discolored the night before, but the light was poor and she couldn’t be sure. This morning she noticed the toilet water was discolored after he urinated. She gave him juice and water and waited to observe for herself on his next bathroom trip about two hours later. “He’s not making much water,” she added. The PA asked the usual systems review questions. Specific questioning about drug abuse, overthe- counter medicines, and exposure to toxins revealed nothing suspicious. Jesus was not taking any prescribed or over-the-counter medicines. When asked about any recent health problems, his mother revealed that he had been a picture of good health and vigor except for “a cold and a bad sore throat” a few weeks earlier.
Physical Examination and Other Data: Vital signs were: Temperature 98.5°F, heart rate 88, respirations 16, blood pressure 145/92. Jesus was quiet and not in distress and appeared to be of average height and weight. He did not appear anemic or jaundiced but his face looked round and puffy. When asked about his face, his mother said she’d noticed it but thought it was because he was tired from staying up too late the last few nights with his father branding cattle on the ranch where they lived. “I thought it was all that dust; he was sneezing a lot,” she said. The remainder of the physical examination was unremarkable. He had no rash, enlarged lymph nodes, or abdominal masses.
The PA gave Jesus a big glass of water and collected some blood for the few basic tests that could be done by the office assistant on clinic equipment. Hematocrit and blood glucose were normal. Sodium and potassium were normal. BUN and creatinine were slightly increased. After two hours, Jesus passed a small amount of dark brown transparent urine, which tested strongly positive for both protein and hemoglobin by routine dipstick tests. Urinary sediment was concentrated by centrifugation. A moderate number of RBCs and a few red cell casts were noted, but they didn’t seem enough to account for the strongly positive hemoglobin. No crystals or WBCs were present.
Clinical Course: The PA was puzzled. The pieces didn’t seem to fit together, so she called the hospital that managed the clinic and spoke to a pediatrician, who said, “This is a classic case of acute glomerulonephritis. I haven’t seen one in several years.” The pediatrician outlined a treatment plan of salt restriction and therapy with diuretics and antihypertensive medication with careful monitoring of urine output. The PA dispensed the drugs from the limited supply on hand and gave Jesus’s mother a calibrated, disposable urine cup, instructed her to measure Jesus’s urine output and call daily with the results. His urine output was low initially but began to improve on the third day. Mother and son returned a week later. His daily urine volume had returned nearly to normal; urine hemoglobin and protein were less positive; and most of his facial swelling has disappeared. On the follow-up visit a week later, his blood pressure was near normal. A blood specimen was collected and sent to the hospital to be tested for antistreptococcal antibodies, which were detected in high concentration.