‘satisfaction’, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. We all differ in terms of what we consider to be satisfying, and sometimes what other people fi nd satisfying surprises us. consider, for...

‘satisfaction’, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. We all differ in terms of what we consider to be satisfying, and sometimes what other people fi nd satisfying surprises us. consider, for example, the foods you like to eat and the clothes you like to wear. clearly your preferences are not those of everyone else. Make a list of some things you would fi nd ‘satisfying’ and some that you would fi nd ‘unsatisfying’. ask a friend to do the same and compare your lists. since friends often become friends because of their commonalities in what they enjoy, you will probably fi nd many commonalities on your two lists. But you will undoubtedly fi nd many differences. ask an older person, a parent or grandparent perhaps, to make up a list as well. there are probably fewer commonalities between this list and the lists of you and your friend, and many of the differences refl ect the age/generational differences between the list-makers. Keep the differences in lists in mind the next time you buy a gift for someone: we often select a gift thinking of what we would fi nd satisfying instead of what the recipient would fi nd satisfying!

May 22, 2022

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