81) Apprenticeship training is a step-by-step self-learning method which uses a textbook, computer, or the Internet.
82) Evidence suggests that Web-based instruction is significantly more effective than classroom instruction for teaching information about how to perform a job-related task.
83) Providing learning content on demand through cell phones and laptops is known as mobile learning.
84) With a lifelong learning account, employers and employees can contribute money that can be used by employees to attend school.
85) Succession planning is a type of management development program that focuses on planning and filling middle-management positions.
86) The case study method is an on-the job management development technique that presents a manager with a written descriptions of an organizational problem that needs to be diagnosed and solved.
87) Management games are considered an effective training tool because trainees are actively involved, and the activities help trainees focus on planning and solving problems.
88) Lewin's change process consists of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing.
89) According to Lewin's change process, unfreezing involves developing new behaviors, values, and attitudes through organizational development methods such as team building.
90) During the refreezing stage of Lewin's change process, managers are likely to use new appraisal systems and incentives as a way to reinforce desired behaviors.