71.Kyle lives with his mother, who has the sole responsibility for raising him. What type of custody does Kyle’s mother have?
a.split custody
b.individual custody
c.joint custody
d.sole custody
72.Joint custody has some perceived advantages over sole custody. Which of the following is
an advantage of joint custody?
a.sudden termination with one parent
b.reduction in the number of litigated custody cases
c.lessening the constant child-care burden
d.both parents continuing parenting roles
73.In split custody, the children are:
a.placed with an adoption agency.
b.awarded to their nearest relative.
c.divided between the parents.
d.allowed to sue their parents.
74.The courts tend to award child custody to someone other than a parent or parents when both parents are:
75.____ tend to experience deteriorating relationships with their children after divorce.
a.Custodial fathers
b.Noncustodial fathers
c.Custodial mothers
d.Noncustodial mothers
76.The average child support payment for noncustodial mothers is ____ than that of noncustodial fathers.
a.about 50% less
b.about 25% less
d.about the same
77.Historically, the American attitude toward divorce stems from:
a.our Christian heritage.
b.traditional sex ratio imbalances.
c.feminist values.
d.the Bill of Rights.
78.Cox and Demmitt believe that matrimonial law is:
a.the root cause of most painful divorces.
b.one of the most dynamic legal fields.
c.responsible for America's exploding divorce rate.
d.based on time-honored Christian values.
79.Matrimonial law attempts to:
a.determine fault in a divorce case.
b.achieve equity between divorcing spouses.
c.stigmatize the divorce process.
d.enforce historical divorce laws.
80.The credo of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers is to preserve the best interest of the:
b.legal profession.
c.family and society.