7.15 LAB: Descending selection sort with output during execution Write a void method selectionSortDescendTrace() that takes an integer array, and sorts the array into descending order. The method...

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7.15 LAB: Descending selection sort with output during execution<br>Write a void method selectionSortDescendTrace() that takes an integer array, and sorts the array into descending order. The method should<br>use nested loops and output the array after each iteration of the outer loop, thus outputting the array N-1 times (where N is the size).<br>Complete main() to read in a list of up to 10 positive integers (ending in -1) and then call the selectionSortDescendTrace() method.<br>If the input is:<br>20 10 30 40 -1<br>then the output is:<br>40 10 30 20<br>40 30 10 20<br>40 30 20 10<br>318446.2220060.gazay?<br>LAB<br>7.15.1: LAB: Descending selection sort with output during execution<br>5/10<br>АCTIVITY<br>DescendingOrder.java<br>Load default template.<br>import java.util.Scanner;<br>public class DescendingOrder {<br>// TODO: Write a void method selectionSortDescendTrace () that takes<br>//<br>//<br>public static void selectionSortDescendTrace (int [] numbers, int numElements) {<br>an integer array and the number of elements in the array as arguments,<br>and sorts the array into descending order.<br>public static void main (String [] args) {<br>Scanner scnr = new Scanner (System.in);<br>int input, i - 0;<br>int numElements - 0;<br>int [] numbers = new int[10];<br>// TODO: Read in a list of up to 10 positive integers; stop when<br>//<br>-1 is read. Then call selectionSortDescendTrace 0 method.<br>

Extracted text: 7.15 LAB: Descending selection sort with output during execution Write a void method selectionSortDescendTrace() that takes an integer array, and sorts the array into descending order. The method should use nested loops and output the array after each iteration of the outer loop, thus outputting the array N-1 times (where N is the size). Complete main() to read in a list of up to 10 positive integers (ending in -1) and then call the selectionSortDescendTrace() method. If the input is: 20 10 30 40 -1 then the output is: 40 10 30 20 40 30 10 20 40 30 20 10 318446.2220060.gazay? LAB 7.15.1: LAB: Descending selection sort with output during execution 5/10 АCTIVITY DescendingOrder.java Load default template. import java.util.Scanner; public class DescendingOrder { // TODO: Write a void method selectionSortDescendTrace () that takes // // public static void selectionSortDescendTrace (int [] numbers, int numElements) { an integer array and the number of elements in the array as arguments, and sorts the array into descending order. public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner (System.in); int input, i - 0; int numElements - 0; int [] numbers = new int[10]; // TODO: Read in a list of up to 10 positive integers; stop when // -1 is read. Then call selectionSortDescendTrace 0 method.

Jun 11, 2022

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