71) When performing vertical analysis on a balance, cash is compared to the total current assets figure.
72) When performing vertical analysis on a balance, accounts receivable is calculated as a percentage of total assets.
is the process of comparing a company to a standard set by one or more other companies, with a view toward improvement.
74) A common-size statement eases the comparison of different companies because their amounts are stated in percentages.
75) Common-size financial statements may identify the need for corrective action.
76) Benchmarking is the practice of comparing a company to a standard set by other companies with similar characteristics.
77) Bench marking involves comparing your company's results to a standard set by other.
78) A common size statement reports each item as a percentage of the previous years figure.
79) A common size statement aids in comparing different companies as their amounts are stated in percentages of the total base rather than numbers.
80) Common size statements include the relation of each item on the statement of earnings to net sales.