65. A company in the elaboration life cycle stage would most highly value which of the following human resource practice competencies.
a) finance and marketing
b) employee advocacy
c) competitor analysis
d) change management
66. A company in the formalization life cycle stage would likely most value which competencies among human resource professionals:
a) business knowledge and competencies related to financial management
b) change management competencies
c) strategic management competencies
d) functional expert competencies
67. U.S. population trends are:
a) the number of people who will be working or looking for work
b) general movements over time in the number and characteristics of people living in the United States.
c) the characteristics of people who will be working or looking for work
d) specific information about individuals living in the United States
68. Data concerning the number and gender of people currently and projected to be working in the health care industry is an example of:
a) population trends
b) labor force trends
c) census trends
d) affirmative action data
69. Human resource activities that do NOT relate to motivating workers include:
a) career development
b) performance management
c) training initiatives
d) retention initiatives