61.Extramarital affairs occur for all of the following reasons
b.simple curiosity.
d.sexual variety.
62.Extramarital affairs are difficult for a spouse to combat because:
a.affairs provide excitement that is difficult to bring back into a long marriage.
b.the spouse has declined physically and does not seek to be appealing.
c.the search for identity in the affair is too great.
d.most often they are unaware of the affair.
63.John and Ellen are having an extramarital affair. When their spouses found out, Ellen's husband was very distress about her sexual infidelity. John's wife was distressed about:
a.sexually transmitted diseases.
b.her financial future.
c.his emotional infidelity.
d.the children.
64.Practical and emotional problems that accompany the maintenance of an extramarital affair include all
a.legal problems.
b.a private place to meet.
c.coping with guilt and anxiety.
d.the risk of jeopardizing the primary relationship.
65.A cornerstone of a strong and enduring relationship that is damaged in extramarital affairs is:
66.The self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when the expectations you hold about another person tend to:
a.romanticize and idealize that person.
b.destroy your ability to communicate with that person.
c.influence that person in the direction of the expectations.
d.prevent the person from becoming self-actualized.
67.Holding slightly high expectations about another person is productive if the expectations are:
a.based on the fulfillment of your needs.
b.effectively communicated to the other person.
c.consistent with the basic principles of phenomenology.
d.close enough to reality to allow the person to fulfill them.
68.The definition of mental health embraces all of the following elements
a.feeling comfortable about oneself.
b.feeling competent to meet the demands of life.
c.feeling a need for privacy and autonomy.
d.feeling comfortable about other people.
69.Mature, mentally healthy people:
a.are able to take advantage of others.
b.are “people who need people.”
c.pass responsibility to others.
d.set idealized unrealistic goals.
70.Self-actualization refers to:
a.the state of being highly critical of others.
b.a constant striving for perfection.
c.the process of reaching one’s full potential as a person.
d.a person’s ability to disclose personal information.