6. You are given an array that contains numbers in the form of strings. Write a C++ program to input an integer x and trim all the numbers to x most significant digits. The value of x is less than or...

6. You are given an array that contains numbers in the form of strings. Write a C++ program to input an integer x and trim all the<br>numbers to x most significant digits. The value of x is less than or equal to the length of the string with the least length in the<br>array.<br>{

Extracted text: 6. You are given an array that contains numbers in the form of strings. Write a C++ program to input an integer x and trim all the numbers to x most significant digits. The value of x is less than or equal to the length of the string with the least length in the array. {"12789", "456092", "316768", "6878022", "672", "12230","42782"}

Jun 08, 2022

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