6 If a seauenu {ak} converges, then there is a number L such that all but a finite number of the terms of {ak} lie within 1 of L. n 7 If all partial sums Sn = I ak of any series are less than some...

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6 If a seauenu {ak} converges, then there is a number L such that all but a finite number of the terms of {ak} lie within 1 of L.
n 7 If all partial sums Sn = I ak of any series are less than some constant k=1 L > 0, then the series converges.
co 8 If a series I ak converges, then its partial sums Sn are bounded. That k=1 is, there are constants m and M such that m

9 Beginning at some index value k = n, a convergent sequence {ak} is always
10. A bounded sequence (ak} is always convergent.

Answered Same DayDec 21, 2021

Answer To: 6 If a seauenu {ak} converges, then there is a number L such that all but a finite number of the...

David answered on Dec 21 2021
126 Votes
We wish to determine whether each of the following statements is true or false.
6. If the sequence
 ka converges, then there is a number L such that all but a finite number
of terms of  ka lie within 1 of L.

This is true. Suppose .ka L Then for all 0,  in particular for 1,  there exists a
positive number N such that 1ka L    whenever .k N Since all but finitely many
elements of the sequence  ka have indices ,k N we see...

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