5DVP I302002 (19) CIPD Assessment Activity Title of unit/s Developing Professional Practice Unit No/s 5DVP Level 5 Credit value 4 Assessment method Written Report, CPD Plan/Record Reflecting Professional Development Expiry date September 2021 Learning outcomes: 1. Understand what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional. 2. Be able to perform efficiently and effectively as an HR professional. 3. Be able to apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan. Assessment brief/activity Activity 1 Write a report (approximately 2600 words) which illustrates the nature of the work that you are involved in as an HR Professional (real or otherwise.) Your report should cover the following: 1. The role and contribution of an HR Professional within your organisation, and, with reference to the CIPD’s 2018 Profession Map, at least one example of each of: an area of specialist knowledge, an area of core knowledge and a core behaviour required for the role. Evaluate why you consider these examples to be important. 2. Examples of where you have used at least two project management techniques within an HR context. 3. Examples of where you have used at least two problem solving techniques within an HR context. 4. Elements of group dynamics that can cause conflict within an organisation and how this can impact on the work of the HR department. 5. Three examples of conflict resolution methods that can be used to resolve issues created by group dynamics and the effectiveness of their application within your organisation. 6. Examples of where you have used a range of methods for influencing, persuading and negotiating with others. Activity 2 • Using the CIPD Profession Map available at: https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/profession-map undertake a self- assessment against selected areas of the CIPD 2018 Profession Map (ie at least one area of core knowledge, one area of specialist knowledge and one core behaviour (all at associate or member level)). • From the self-assessment, identify areas you want to develop and devise your own CPD plan. Identify CPD activities to best address your development objectives and evaluate these particular activities as to why and how they best meet your needs. (Note: If required, CPD plan and record templates for students are available at https://www.cipd.co.uk/learn/cpd/about or in VLE). Assessment Criteria 1.1 2.1 2.2 1.2 1.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 https://peopleprofession.cipd.org/profession-map https://www.cipd.co.uk/learn/cpd/about 5DVP I302002 (19) • During the period of your studies, after each workshop, reflect on topics discussed and their relevance for you and your organisation and write a short Reflective summary (app. 100 words) in the text field on VLE. As you reflect, identify if there are any further development needs and update your CPD plan accordingly. You will be required to submit your updated CPD plan and CPD record as part of your final assessment. 3.3 Evidence to be produced/required Activity 1: A report of approximately 2600 words You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the task set in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using practitioner and professional examples for illustration. All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count). Activity 2: Self-assessment against areas of the CIPD 2018 Profession Map. From this a CPD plan should be submitted now and the updated CPD plan at the end of the course. (Not included in the word count) Assessment writing guide What is the purpose of Assignment? Purpose of the Assessment is you to demonstrate that you understand the topic, have read academic theories and did your research, that you understand concepts presented and you are able to apply them in real life situations. Assessment is based on criteria to determine whether you have achieved the learning outcomes stated for the assessment (this is called criterion referenced assessment). Your grades are based on your level of performance in achieving these outcomes. Your task is to respond fully to the requirements for your assessment defined in the Assessment brief. We understand that you might have wider knowledge and experience in many areas, you need to demonstrate a disciplined and comprehensive writing exactly on the tasks or questions put on you in your assessment. You also need to demonstrate that you work with academic sources via appropriate citations and referencing. Workshop, webinar, writing a case study, etc. are primarily places for you to demonstrate your wider experience and knowledge related to the topic discussed. How to structure my assignment? TITLE PAGE The title of the report Your name and student number Course Date Word count Put the Title of the report and your name into the header Put page numbering into your footer Title page IS NOT included in wordcount. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Start in the next page. You decide whether to write it or not. I tis not a mandatory part of your Assessment. Good tip is to write an executive summary if you are asked to write a report to CEO, in real world, these are busy people and would appreciate a short summary. It summarises the report's purpose, findings, conclusions and recommendations. It is like an abstract for your assignment, it should not be longer than 1-2 paragraphs. Writing an executive summary is good if your Assessment is structured as a sequence of tasks which build one on another, ie if you are asked to write a business report. In case your Assessment brief ask you to answer set of questions, you do not need to write it. If you decide to write Executive summary, do it after you finish the whole writing as last step. Executive summary IS NOT included in wordcount. TABLE OF CONTENTS This lists the main sections (tasks) of the Assessment and also the second and third level headings (which might link to more detailed Assessment criteria) with the page numbers on which each occurs. Table of contents IS NOT included in wordcount. INTRODUCTION Do a short introduction to you and to the company you are referring to in your Assessment. 1 short paragraph for each. It should provide the reader with basic information relevant to understand you and the type of business, environment where the company operates and some other key business context information. If you are using the same company on all your assignments, simply copy these 2 paragraphs in every assignment (readers might be different, so let them have the broad context for your work). Introduction IS NOT included in wordcount. YOU START WORDCOUNT FROM THIS POINT OF YOUR WORK. MAIN BODY This is main part of your Assessment. Structure it clearly around the tasks in the Assessment brief, use headings and subheading. Look also into the part in this Guide regarding structuring of your paragraphs. You will be asked in several tasks to introduce theoretical models/frameworks. If so, start with presenting a theoretical model/framework, then present your findings from research and wider reading, and then a discussion of your findings in the light of the theoretical framework. Use examples of application of the theoretical model in real life. You may also do the discussion through discussing your example. If you present a theoretical model/framework relevant for a specific task, it is not enough just to present it, you always are expected to present your comprehension, understanding and ability to apply in practice. So after each part related to individual task write a short, 1-2 sentences of your interpretation, commentary of the model described, your evaluation of findings/key features and also recommendations or your opinion. If the theoretical model/framework is supported with a diagram/graph etc. which would support readers easier understanding of it, you may use it as a picture in your Assessment, always properly referenced. Picture inserted into your Assessment is not counted in word count. It is recommended that you get the right balance, use this approach where appropriate and do not overuse it. When introducing a theoretical model/framework (or in other parts of your Assessment), you may use citations. When using it, do not copy the whole paragraph as a citation, try to describe in your own words and use only the key part of citation, which needs to be properly referenced. For detail show to use referencing, refer to the Appendix to this Guide. Pay attention to the verbs used in the Assessment brief and structure relevant parts of your Assessment accordingly. Refer to the Meaning of Useful words in Appendix to this guide. CONCLUSION The conclusion provides a summary and evaluation of the findings in your Assessment with the key recommendations. If your Assessment is build from individual tasks, you are expected to write a short conclusion after each task. In that case, it is not necessary you write the Conclusion in the end of your Assessment. WORDCOUNT IS COUNTED TILL THIS PART OF YOUR WORK. (How to do wordcount? Simply highlight the whole text from Main Body till conclusion including and Word will show you number of words. Put this number into the Title page. Your wordcount should be according to what stated in relevant Assessment brief, +/- 10% . Example: Wordcount is 3,000 words, so your work should be min 2,700 and max 3,300 words). APPENDIX This is where you put charts, tables and other information that is too detailed to put in the body of your report