5.6 Warm up: Parsing strings (Java) (1) Prompt the user for a string that contains two strings separated by a comma. (1 pt) Examples of strings that can be accepted: Jill, Allen Jill , Allen...

5.6 Warm up: Parsing strings (Java)

(1) Prompt the user for a string that contains two strings separated by a comma. (1 pt)

Examples of strings that can be accepted:

Jill, Allen

Jill , Allen



Enter input string: Jill, Allen

(2) Report an error if the input string does not contain a comma. Continue to prompt until a valid string is entered.Note: If the input contains a comma, then assume that the input also contains two strings. (2 pts)


Enter input string: Jill Allen

Error: No comma in string

Enter input string: Jill, Allen

(3) Extract the two words from the input string and remove any spaces. Store the strings in two separate variables and output the strings. (2 pts)


Enter input string: Jill, Allen

First word: Jill

Second word: Allen

(4) Using a loop, extend the program to handle multiple lines of input. Continue until the user enters q to quit. (2 pts)


Enter input string: Jill, Allen

First word: Jill

Second word: Allen

Enter input string: Golden , Monkey

First word: Golden

Second word: Monkey

Enter input string: Washington,DC

First word: Washington

Second word: DC

Enter input string: q

Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ParseStrings {

public static void main(String[] args) {

/*Type your code here. */

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

String userInput = " ";

boolean inputDone = false;

while (!inputDone) {

System.out.print("Enter input string: \n");

userInput = scnr.nextLine();

if(userInput.equals("q")) {

System.out.println("First word:" + userInput);

inputDone = true;

} else {

String[] userArray = userInput.split(",");

System.out.println("First word: " + userArray[0]);

System.out.println("Second word:" + userArray[1]);









1. Compare output



Jill, Allen q

Your output correctly starts with

Enter input string:

2. Compare output



Jill Allen JillAllen Jill Allen q

Your output starts with

Enter input string: First word: Jill Allen Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1 at ParseStrings.main(ParseStrings.java:20)

Expected output starts with

Enter input string: Error: No comma in string Enter input string: Error: No comma in string Enter input string: Error: No comma in string Enter input string:

3. Compare output



Jill, Allen q

Your output correctly starts with

Enter input string: First word: Jill Second word: Allen

4. Compare output



Jill, Allen Golden , Monkey Washington,DC q

Your output

Enter input string: First word: Jill Second word: Allen Enter input string: First word: Golden Second word: Monkey Enter input string: First word: Washington Second word:DC Enter input string: First word:q

Expected output

Enter input string: First word: Jill Second word: Allen Enter input string: First word: Golden Second word: Monkey Enter input string: First word: Washington Second word: DC Enter input string:

5. Compare output



Clarke , Geffen Signals,Systems Macintosh, Apple q

Your output

Enter input string: First word: Clarke Second word: Geffen Enter input string: First word: Signals Second word:Systems Enter input string: First word: Macintosh Second word: Apple Enter input string: First word:q

Expected output

Enter input string: First word: Clarke Second word: Geffen Enter input string: First word: Signals Second word: Systems Enter input string: First word: Macintosh Second word: Apple Enter input string:

May 19, 2022

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