Answer To: 5-6 page paper - using attached report and one other additional resource Case Study 5 (Pepsi Co)...
David answered on Dec 27 2021
Case Study 5 (Pepsi Co)
Executive Summary :
Pepsico is today a brand name established itself with trust to pan-global customers which have
divested into hundred odd products of itself and its subsidiaries and present in all countries
throughout. It has en-cashed the taste and diversified need of the global customers in its line of
business of food, snack and beverage – the essentials yet indulgence of the human beings.
Through thick and thin of times including even those phases of global recession it has seen
steady growth of revenue and increase of the products and now the company has the price tag of
524 $ approximately per unit of convertible preferred stock. The business has been ever growing
as it deals mainly with the basic consumable amenities and has travelled the path through a
strong vision and mission of growth, and sustainability.
Line of Business:
The business centers round the basic consumable amenities of people and is a producer and
supplier of food, snack and beverage to the pan-global customers. It has divested into all kinds of
products available under these three heads include Juices, refreshing drinks, health drinks,
beverages, food, food spreads, cereals, snacks, quackers etcetra. The wide acclaimed brand
names are Lays, Frittolays , Sabra Spreads, Tropicana, Quacker, PepsiCola and other colas, Pure
Life, a new addition, Aquafina, best bowl, Sun veggie harvest and many others amounting to
more than 100 odd products if each is to be named separately. The diversity in products and the
divestment are done keeping in mind the various need of an individual for basic survival, health,
growth, nourishment, replenishment, refreshment and taste indulgence. Thus PepsiCo
encompasses the all round need of human beings for their food, beverage, refreshment and snack
with regional variety of tastes and requirements and at the same time keeping in perspective the
taste of the global customers.
Diversification in business :
Keeping in perspective the global customers and the all -round requirement of human beings in food
snack and beverage and even distilled water in recent years. The span of products meets the need of basic
food, taste indulgence, snack, nourishment, refreshment and water. The company has set up industries in
almost all regions of the world for manufacturing and distribution of its various products based on the
regional availability of resources and labour required to tap those sources into products. Not only has the
company diversified in developing different product , at the same time it is one of the pioneer industries
in promoting sustainability. The business units are productive inspite of meeting regional and local
hurdles of labour paucity, political or regional unrest ,...