46. Who is the best job agent for job analysis?
a) the current incumbent of a position being analyzed
b) the supervisor of a particular position being analyzed
c) a subject matter expert
d) the human resources office
47. Which of the following is a primary disadvantage of using professionally trained
a) there are no disadvantages, these people are technically knowledgeable
b) their external perspective
c) their level of knowledge about how things are done in a particular organization
d) the cost
48. Which of the following is NOT true about job analysis?
a) men and women identify different information about their jobs, even when they are performing the same job
b) information provided by job incumbents who are highly experienced is different from information provided by recently hired incumbents
c) minority and non-minority incumbents respond differently in job analysis information gathering
d) incumbents and supervisors generally provide the same information about a particular position
49. Which of the following is an outcome of job analysis?
a) job descriptions and job analysis salary scales
b) job descriptions and job specifications
c) job specifications and job analysis salary scales
d) job analysis salary scales
50. Which of the following is an example of a job specification?
a) knowledge of case law concerning labor law and skill in interpreting case law
b) incumbent will gather data for a variety of financial reports
c) an internal job announcement
d) job analysis
51. Which of the following is a method of collecting job analysis information from job agents that includes the frequency or time spent on task and the importance of job tasks?
a) job analysis observation
b) job specifications
c) task analysis inventory
d) critical incident method
52. Which of the following job analysis techniques asks job agents to provide statements about important situations and actions and to describe behaviors that are particularly helpful or harmful for accomplishing work?
a) Position Analysis Questionnaire
b) task analysis inventory
c) job description specifications
d) critical incident technique
53. The Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ):
a) is a questionnaire that assesses characteristics of job activities and the work environment, such as informational input, mental processes, relationships, work output and job context.
b) is highly specialized and therefore is not generalizable across different jobs.
c) is very useful for creating job descriptions
d) provides a great deal of information about job tasks
54. Which of the following is NOT a legal issue related to job analysis?
a) data should be collected from enough people to be sure the results are accurate
b) use of a subject matter expert
c) the method used to analyze the job should be clearly described
d) tasks, duties and activities must be identified and included in the job analysis
55. Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the process of job analysis?
a) work is less structured around specific jobs today than it once was
b) work activities are less knowledge based
c) task activities are more fluid and are determined through ongoing negotiation among workers
d) by the time human resource policies based upon job analysis can be designed and carried out, the task activities may have changed