Complete the following tableusing the codes attributed. Provide how many instructions of the given categories are executed while finding the F(6) and calculate the total clock cycles.
CPI(Clock Cycle per Instruction)
Instruction Count
A: Arithmetic and Comparison |
add, addu, sub, slt, etc.. |
1 |
? |
B: Memory |
lw, sw |
8 |
? |
D: Branch and Jump |
beq, bnq, j, jal |
2 |
? |
Extracted text: 45 beqz $a0,zero 46 beg $a0,1,one 47 48 49 sub $ sp,$ sp,4 50 sw $ra,0($ sp) 51 52 sub $a0,$ a0,1 53 jal F 54 add $a0,$ a0,1 55 lw $ra,0($ sp) 56 57 add $sp,$ sp,4 58 59 60 sub $ sp,$ sp,4 61 sw $v0,0($sp) 62 sub $ sp,$ sp,4 sw $ra,0($ sp) 63 64 65 66 sub $a0,$ a0,2 67 jal F 68 add $a0,$ a0,2 69 70 lv $ra,0($ sp) 71 add $sp,$ sp,4 72 lv $s7,0($ sp) add $ sp,$ sp,4 73 74 75 76 add $v0,$v0,$s7 77 jr $ra 78 79 zero: 80 li $v0,0 81 jr $ra 82 one: 83 li $v0,1 84 jr $ra 85 86 . data 87 prompt: . asciiz " Program calculates the Fibonacci sequence using recursive functions. \n Enter a non-negative number: " 88 result: .asciiz "F " result2: . asciiz " asciiz "n". 89 endl:
Extracted text: .text 2 main: 4 la $a0,prompt li $v0,4 syscall 7 li $v0,5 syscall 10 11 move $t2,$vo 12 13 14 move $a0,$t2 15 move $v0,$t2 16 jal F 17 move $t3,$vo 18 la $a0,result li $v0,4 19 20 21 syscall 22 23 move $a0,$t2 24 li $v0,1 25 syscall 26 27 la şa0,result2 28 li $v0,4 29 syscall 30 31 move şa0,$t3 32 li $v0,1 33 syscall 34 la $a0,endl li $v0,4 35 36 37 syscall 38 39 40 li $v0,10 41 syscall 42 43 F: 44 45 begz $a0,zero