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4/18/2019 Assignments and Assessment Items: Assessment Task 2 - Individual Quantitative Literacy Case Study (1200 words) 1/4 My LMS Subjects / 2019-MGT3SMG-BU-S1 / Assignments and Assessment Items Assignments and Assessment Items 2. Assessment Task 2 - Individual Quantitative Literacy Case Study (1200 words) Task Background Assessment Task 2 is Fermi Problem. In Strategic Management we are using the Fermi Problem to demonstrate quantitative numeracy skills. Students will, with limited data make effective, and approximate calculations to model the e�ciency of an organisation. This is a synthetic study, and there is no right or wrong answer to the Fermi Problem, however some answers may be proven to be more detailed and accurate than others. An assistive presentation designed to help students with this assessment task is located here: Task Purpose The purpose of Assessment Task 2 is to have students undertake a strategic analysis demonstrating quantitative literacy. Quantitative literacy is a required Graduate Capability for this subject. Quantitative literacy will be assessed within the following sub-tasks: 1) Creation of a numeric dataset based on speci�c organizational activities; 2) Interpretation of that numeric dataset; 3) Creating a synthetic model showing calculations with the dataset as a basis; 4) Extrapolation and explanation of outcomes for the synthetic model. The quantitative literacy assessment task requires at least �ve (5) in-text references from peer-reviewed academic journals to demonstrate engagement with the body of knowledge. These references are best drawn from research into the sector within which the organisation being modelled might be found. General rules: 1) Engagement with the Body of Knowledge: No academic journal article may be referenced more than twice; 2) Academic journal referencing is required for this task. Where academic journals or other sources are used they must be referenced. 3) The subject text book must be referenced at least once. Case Background: International Rescue is a newly formed organisation with expertise in critical incident management. Vision Statement International Rescue is the world’s foremost provider of emergency intervention to communities affected by natural disaster. Mission Statement 4/18/2019 Assignments and Assessment Items: Assessment Task 2 - Individual Quantitative Literacy Case Study (1200 words) 2/4 The mission of International Rescue is to improve lives through the rapid supply of essential life sustaining items to communities affected by natural disaster and, as necessary, the relocation of people from disaster zones to safe locations. Current Objective International Rescue has been commissioned by the French Government, as part of an international humanitarian relief operation, to provide food and drinking water to a group of young people trapped by an earthquake in the town of Berechid, Morocco. Early warning allowed 126,000 people to evacuate the town before the disaster. Evacuation priority was given to elderly people, people with illness, children under the age of 18 years, men and women with children, men and women over the age 22. 16,000 young people, between the ages of 18 and 22 were left in the town when all available transport had been �lled. The earthquake has destroyed all electricity generation, water puri�cation, and roads into the town. An air evacuation has been planned to take place in 72 hours when su�cient helicopters have been assembled to begin an airlift from the town to the assembly point 35 kilometres away. Other organisations have been engaged to transport the rescued persons from HQ to Marrakesh by bus once they have been collected from the disaster zone, but International Rescue must provide food and water to the trapped people, and plan the �nal evacuation. International Rescue has deployed its assets to within 35 kilometres of the disaster area. Within its asset inventory, International Rescue has immediate access to �ve C130 transport aircraft and 2000 Pouncer Drones, from Windhorse Aerospace. International Rescue will have a �eet of one hundred NATO AS532 Cougar helicopters available within seventy-two hours to begin the �nal evacuation. Only one helicopter landing area is available in the disaster zone, and it takes a total of 11 minutes to load twenty organised people into one helicopter. Only one helicopter may land in the zone at a time and there is a required �ve minute window after the departure of a helicopter from the disaster area landing zone before another helicopter may land. International Rescue must supply for 16000 persons, for at least 72 hours: 7.5 litres of water per person per day 150 grams of protein per person per day 500 grams of canned vegetables per day Method: You are to provide in approximately 1200 words (+/- 10%) a response to the following: As the Strategic Operations Director of International Rescue it is your task to calculate the following and provide for examination: 1) The background to the situation (with �ve academic references). 2) The strategic intent of International Rescue, as it might apply to the situation. 3) The maximum weight of food required for the disaster zone for seventy-two hours, plus the food required for the �nal evacuation period. a. Diagrams and tables will be essential for this item. 4/18/2019 Assignments and Assessment Items: Assessment Task 2 - Individual Quantitative Literacy Case Study (1200 words) 3/4 4) The maximum weight of water required for the disaster zone for seventy-two hours, plus an additional calculation for the water required for the �nal evacuation period. a. Diagrams and tables will be essential for this item. 5) The most e�cient and effective method of transporting the food and water, from the International Rescue headquarters, by air to the disaster zone using either or both the C-130 or Pouncer drones. a. You will need to conduct research online to identify the capabilities of the Pouncer Drone ( b. The capabilities of the C130 are (fully loaded): i. Maximum speed 601kmh (374 mph) ii. Maximum range 3791kms (2,356 miles) c. The 463L Materials Handling Support System (Pallet) will be used in the C-130 i. A 463L pallet has a maximum load capacity of 4536 kilos ii. A C-130 can carry a maximum of six fully loaded 463L pallets. d. Diagrams and tables will be essential for these items. 6) The time it will take to evacuate the 16,000 trapped people from the disaster zone once International Rescue has assembled all one hundred AS532 Cougar helicopters at its headquarters 35 kilometres from Bereschid. The evacuees will be transported to Marakesh two hours and seven minutes away, with a nine minute disembarkation time and a thirty minute refuelling time. a. The capabilities of the AS532 are: i. Range: 573 km (310 nm, 357 mi) ii. Maximum speed: 249 km/h (134 knots, 154 mph) iii. Capacity: 20 persons excluding 2 crew b. Diagrams and tables will be essential for these items. 7) Students should provide a conclusion and a bibliography for references used. 4/18/2019 Assignments and Assessment Items: Assessment Task 2 - Individual Quantitative Literacy Case Study (1200 words) 4/4 8) Students should assume their examiner is NOT an accountant or a data-analyst and must provide written explanations for each table and model. The bibliography and title page, are not considered within the word count for this item. © Copyright 2018 La Trobe University. All rights reserved. La Trobe University CRICOS Provider Code Number 00115M Data retention summary Emergency information Child Safety Contacts Site map Accessibility Privacy Copyright and disclaimer You are logged in as Sreynoth Chea (Log out)