41. Decentralization of development requirespolicy changes, devolution of governmentfunctions and redistribution of revenue. *A. TRUEB. FALSE42. Correcting factor price distortions is afunction of the government. *A. TRUEB. FALSE43. Harris-Todaro Migration Model related thedemand and supply of workers specifically inthe manufacturing sector. *A. TRUEB. FALSE44. Migration decision of Filipinos is always aneconomic decision. *A. TRUEB. FALSE45. When wage differential is negligible, rural tourban migration will not be much of aproblem. *A. TRUEB. FALSE46. When a company serves slum areas, it willsurely have difficulty in achieving its economicand financial bottom-line of profit. *A. TRUEB. FALSE47. Rural-urban migration, as an economicissue, is basically about income andemployment. *A. TRUEB. FALSE48. In the Philippines, there is no concretepolicy on rural-urban migration. *A. TRUEB. FALSE49. The location choices of big labor- intensivecompanies will have bearing on migrationbetween rural and urban areas. *A. TRUEB. FALSE50. Labor turnover is faster in urban companiesthan in rural companies. *A. TRUEB. FALSE51. The presence of shanty towns relates to anation’s GINI coefficient. *A. TRUEB. FALSE52. Perfect inequality in distribution of incomecan be exhibited in reality. *1 pointA. TRUEB. FALSE53. Holding all other incomes constant, if wetransfer some income from a richer person toa poorer person, the resulting new incomedistribution is more unequal. *A. TRUEB. FALSE54. There is absolute poverty below theinternational poverty line. *A. TRUEB. FALSE55. Modern sector enlargement assures abetter Lorenz Curve for a nation. *A. TRUEB. FALSE56. The average poverty gap measures the sumof the differences of the income of each personfrom the absolute poverty line. *A. TRUEB. FALSE57. The multidimensional poverty index givesequal weight to all eight indicators. *A. TRUEB. FALSE58. The normalized income shortfall is ameasure of income inequality. *tA. TRUEB. FALSE59. When government’s intervention to povertyand income inequality are thoroughly planned,implemented and monitored, a nation issecured of achieving economic development. *A. TRUEB. FALSE60. The GINI Coefficient relates the LorenzCurve and the line of perfect quality ofpercentage of income and percentage ofpopulation.A. TRUEB. FALSE
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