4)| write a program that will calculate and display the percentage of males and females in the class. • Step 1: Ask user to input number of males and females • Step 2: Calculate percentages, using the...

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4)|<br>write a program that will calculate and display the percentage of males and females in the class.<br>• Step 1: Ask user to input number of males and females<br>• Step 2: Calculate percentages, using the following formula:<br>Male% = males/(males + females) * 100<br>Female% = females/(males + females) * 100<br>• Step 3: Display Male% and Female%<br>

Extracted text: 4)| write a program that will calculate and display the percentage of males and females in the class. • Step 1: Ask user to input number of males and females • Step 2: Calculate percentages, using the following formula: Male% = males/(males + females) * 100 Female% = females/(males + females) * 100 • Step 3: Display Male% and Female%

Jun 11, 2022

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