4 Case AssignmentMPS 612 – Case TopicFor your case assignment, you are to write a hypothetical case study of one person with a disability, from birth through age 12. You can choose any disability...

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4 Case Assignment
MPS 612 – Case Topic
For your case assignment, you are to write a hypothetical case study of one person with a disability, from birth through age 12. You can choose any disability we
have studied so far. (You may also choose one we have not covered – but please run that by me first). The purpose of this assignment is to show your
understanding of the infant and childhood development of someone with a disorder. Use readings from the first 4 modules and your own research to back up
your case study with facts about children with this disorder. Make sure to cite all of your sources. Because all children have individual differences, you do not
need to outline every possible developmental trajectory of the disorder. This is the point of doing a case study – you need only envision the individual
development of one child. The following is a sample outline for the paper:
Section 1:
Introduce the case and the disability. For example:
This case study will describe the life of Jenny, a 12-year-old female of Taiwanese descent. Jenny was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
when she was four years old. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), ASD is a disorder characterized by…
Jenny lives with…
Section 2:
Describe the infant development (birth to 12 months) of your case, milestones met and when, and things the parents or caregivers may have noticed (or not
noticed) at this stage. If applicable, include here any prenatal factors that may have influenced the child’s development. It is possible that the child you are
studying did not show any developmental delays in this stage. If this is the case, outline your case’s normal development for this age range.
Section 3:
Describe the early childhood development (1-5 years) of your case, milestones met and when, and things the parents or caregivers may have noticed (or not
noticed) at this stage. It is possible that the child you are studying did not show any developmental delays in this stage. If this is the case, outline your case’s
normal development.
Section 4:
Describe the middle childhood development (6-12 years) of your case. For this age range, focus on issues that may develop in school, symptoms teachers may
notice, interventions needed in the classroom, and/or peer relationships.
Section 5:
Brief conclusion summarizing the main points of your case.
Writing Requirements
The Case Assignment will be a 5-8 page essay (excluding cover page and references).
You should use a minimum of 3-4 sources in your Case Assignment.
Your written work should follow APA style and formatting.
Your essay should have a cover page and reference page. Abstracts are not required.
Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.
If you do not turn in your Case Assignment before the deadline, points may be deducted from your score for tardiness. If you anticipate a problem
turning in your assignment on time, please contact your instructor immediately to avoid a failing grade for non-submission.
Writing tips:
This is not an opinion paper – be sure to find research to support any points you are making in your paper.
Pronoun Use: when writing academic papers, do not use “I,” “you,” “we,” or other personal pronouns. When doing academic writing, we do not want
your opinion – we want to know what the experts say about the topic you are researching.
Do not use contractions such as “don’t” or “isn’t” – all contractions should be written out, like “do not” or “is not.”
When quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing information taken from another source, use in-text citations to indicate source of information, with
complete reference information on the reference page. Every reference needs a citation, and every citation needs a reference. Acts of plagiarism will
result in a zero.
Please note that Wikipedia may be helpful in locating links that will take you to credible sources of information, but quotations from Wikipedia text are
not recognized as credible, scholarly sources of information.
For help with APA style, refer to the following website or ask your instructor!
Answered 2 days AfterJul 17, 2024

Answer To: 4 Case AssignmentMPS 612 – Case TopicFor your case assignment, you are to write a hypothetical case...

Dilpreet answered on Jul 19 2024
4 Votes
Section 1 - Introduction to the case study
Maya is an 11-year-old child who was born with congenital Glaucoma, which builds up in the eye, resulting in the loss of vision. CDC (2024) states that Glaucoma is a disease of the eye’s optic nerve characterized by
vision loss and blindness. Glaucoma affects approximately 3 million Americans, and it is the second leading cause of blindness globally. However, Maya has her parents, who are very supportive and proactive and have enrolled her in early intervention programs for visually impaired children. Indeed, Maya is practically blind and uses her sense of touch and hearing to a great extent.
Like any other reader, Maya needs tools to read, such as Braille, and for movement, she needs a cane or a guide dog. Other aspects, such as social interactions, are more challenging for Maya because she cannot see facial expressions when talking to someone. However, Maya is very fond of touch, so she can move only by touching the objects around her. Audiobooks and descriptive narration help her in her learning process. Maya has also undergone training to be able to move around freely with the help of her cane and a future guide dog.
Section 2 - Description of the infant development (birth to 12 months)
Congenital glaucoma may not have affected Maya’s early development (from birth to one year), and she may develop similarly to other infants with sight. This is so because most of the first milestones depend on reflexes and senses other than sight (Lorentz, 2021).
Nevertheless, the cause of Maya’s glaucoma is still yet to be determined, and therefore, prenatal factors may not have directly affected her early learning process. However, if the condition was somehow worse, it can be hypothesised that her mother’s prenatal issues or medications could have affected her development in one way or another.
Milestones met
· Birth Reflexes: Moro reflex, Rooting reflex, Sucking reflex (all these are within the first few months of a baby’s life).
· Hearing and Sound Localisation: Acknowledging sound and moving towards the source of the sound (2-3 months).
· Touch Exploration: Grabbing objects, grabbing for sounds (3-4 months).
· Gross Motor Skills: Turning from side to side, sitting with help (4-8 months).
· Fine Motor Skills: Object transfer from hand to hand (6-8 months).
· Vocalisation: Vocalising: cooing, babbling (3-6 months).
· Social Interaction: Smiling and making eye contact (though not as much as would be expected in Maya’s case) (2-4 months).
What parents might have noticed: It is possible that Maya’s parents did not observe the following developmental milestones: Sitting without support or pulling to stand, crawling or cruising, reaching for objects or touching things with the intent to put in the mouth, and making any form of sound, cooing or giggling, babbling or trying to imitate sounds. They may have noticed that she might be more sensitive to light than the other babies with their sighted counterparts.
What parents might not have noticed: The only instance in which early milestones might be delayed is if glaucoma severely affects Maya in general. It is possible to state that Maya’s early development could be considered typical for her age, considering her visual impairment.
Section 3 - Description of the early childhood development (1-5 years)
Year 1:
· Milestones Met: It is possible that general...

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