36. Vertical alignment:
a) deals with the positioning of an organization’s human resource management strategy in relation to its competitive strategy
b) refers to how a company interacts with its suppliers
c) refers to how a company interfaces with its competition
d) refers to the fit of specific human resource practices with other practices
37. Which of the following is an example of vertical alignment?
a) a company seeks to be the low cost provider and adopts a Loyal Soldier HR strategy
b) a company seeks to differentiate its product through superior service and adopts a Bargain Laborer HR strategy
c) a company seeks to be the low cost provider and adopts a Free Agent HR strategy
d) a company seeking long-long term committed employees offers health insurance and a retirement program
38. Horizontal alignment:
a) deals with the positioning of an organization’s human resource management strategy in relation to its competitive strategy.
b) refers to how a company interacts with its suppliers
c) refers to how a company interfaces with its competition
d) refers to the fit of specific human resource practices with other organizational practices
39. Which of the following is an example of horizontal alignment?
a) a company seeks to be the low cost provider and adopts a Loyal Soldier HR strategy
b) a company seeks to differentiate its product through superior service and adopts a Bargain Laborer HR strategy
c) a company seeks to be the low cost provider and adopts a Free Agent HR strategy
d) a company seeking long-term committed employees offers health insurance and a retirement program
40. An HR strategy that focuses on creating efficiency using talent from the external labor markets is the:
a) Bargain Laborer HR strategy
b) Free Agent HR strategy
c) Committed Expert HR strategy
d) Loyal Soldier HR strategy
41. Which characteristics of work design are NOT compatible with the Bargain Laborer HR strategy?
a) work design emphasizes simplified tasks
b) work is structured according to concepts from the mechanistic approach to job design
c) work is broken down into simple tasks that can be easily learned
d) autonomy is high and employees are encouraged to improve work processes
42. Recruitment and selection under the Bargain Laborer HR strategy:
a) emphasizes internal promotions
b) seeks to identify a large number of candidates and uses a broad skill approach
c) emphasizes organizational fit
d) emphasizes organizational and job fit
43. Which of the following describes recruiting methods likely to be used by an organization pursuing the Bargain Laborer HR strategy?
a) referrals, print advertising in newspapers, electronic advertising and public employment agencies
b) job postings and electronic advertising on the company intranet
c) job posting and company web page
d) employee referrals, print advertising in specialized journals, targeted Internet sites and private employment agencies
44. During the hiring process, an organization with a Bargain Laborer HR strategy:
a) tends to provide an accurate job preview
b) tends to emphasize the negative aspects of the job to avoid early turnover
c) emphasizes the positive aspects of the job to encourage applicants to accept a position
d) tends to provide a positive review of the organization and emphasizes organizational fit
45. Which of the following is NOT true about training and development under the Bargain Laborer HR strategy?
a) training focuses on teaching employees specific job duties
b) training emphasizes efficient operations
c) training emphasizes the importance of following company procedures
d) a company pursuing a Bargain Laborer HR strategy rarely uses on the job training