31.All but which of the following is a weakness associated with employee comparison systems?
a.They force raters to specify their best and worst performers.
b.The accuracy and fairness of the ratings can be questioned.
c.They do not specify what a worker must do to receive a good rating.
d.They do not direct or monitor employee behavior.
32.A ____ presents appraisers with a list of traits assumed to be necessary to successful job performance.
a.paired comparison
b.simple ranking
c.graphic rating scale
d.job enrichment scale
33.All but which of the following is a weakness associated with graphic rating scales?
a.Raters are asked to evaluate traits such as demeanor or attitude.
b.Accurate ratings are not likely to be achieved.
c.A single form is applicable to all or most jobs within an organization.
d.A good mechanism for providing specific feedback is absent.
34.How many traits do a typical behaviorally anchored rating scale measure?
35.How does a BARS anchor each measured trait to reflect varying levels of performance?
a.With numbers
b.With adjectives
c.With examples
d.With case studies
36.All but which of the following are advantages of behaviorally anchored rating scales?
a.Behavior can be monitored and directed.
b.Behaviorally based feedback may be provided by appraisers.
c.Behavioral anchors allow employees to distinguish expected behaviors.
d.Behavioral anchors are superior to graphic rating scales as substantiated by research.
37.Which of the following activities distinguishes BOS from BARS?
a.Collection of critical incidents.
b.Categorization of critical incidents into dimensions.
c.Classification of all behaviors into the appropriate dimensions.
d.Rating of each behavior by the appraiser.
38.When using ____, an appraiser rates job performance by indicating the frequency with which the employee engages in each behavior.
39.All but which of the following is an advantage associated with BOS?
a.BOS is used to direct employee behavior.
b.BOS is used only for jobs with many incumbents.
c.Feedback is given in specific behavioral terms.
d.No single behavior is identified as most descriptive of an employee’s performance.
40.____ is a management system designed to achieve organizational effectiveness by steering each employee’s behavior toward the organization’s mission.
a.Program evaluation and review technique (PERT)
b.Just-in-time management (JIT)
c.Management by objectives (MBO)
d.Job enrichment (JE)