3000 words for assignment and 500 for (C) parts summarising and select any topic from the given topics and here is my no 0452248821 call me if you have questions.
ITECH 5402 – Enterprise Systems Assessment Tasks 4&5 – Research Report and Presentation (Percentage: 15%+7%, Due Date: Week 10 and 11) This assessment task has been designed to help you deepen your understanding of ERP/Enterprise Systems. It comprises of both team and individual components: (a) Form a team of between 2 - 3 members. Minimum 2 members; Maximum 3 members (b) Meet virtually as a team, and select ONE of the below-mentioned research topic. · Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Business Transformation · Enterprise/ERP Systems integration with organisational systems, such as Cyber-physical Systems and SCADA Systems. · Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Process Automation · A comparison of Enterprise/ERP Systems' Vendors and Products · Enterprise/ERP Systems’ integration with Internet of Things (IoT) (c) Based on the selected topic, each member of the team is expected to select, and summarise (in 500 - 700 words) four peer-reviewed articles. (5 Marks) - this summary should be included as an appendix in the team report. (d) As a team, write a report of about 3000 words based on the selected topic. The report must include at least one case study/example to reflect the topic of discussion. All selected papers should be discussed and integrated, hence forming the team report. (10 Marks) (e) The team report should include a summary of a short case study that highlights an aspect of the topic selected. The report will be submitted through Turnitin. (f) Prepare a 10 minutes overview of the findings documented in your Team Report. (Presentations should be recorded and submitted in Week 11) (7 Marks). Team presentations can be recorded using any application of choice e.g Skype/Microsoft Teams Marking Guide - Individual Summary Criteria/Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Discussion of selected topic /4 marks Selected sub-topic discussed in depth. Displays deep understanding of the context. Displays sound understanding of the context with some analysis of Selected sub-topic. Most items are adequately discussed. Displays some understanding and analysis of Selected sub-topic Inadequate discussion of issues Little/no demonstrated understanding or analysis of Selected sub-topic. Citations and References /1 Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes &acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes &acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Sub total /5 Marks Marking Guide – Research Report Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Layout/Structure /1 mark Information is well organized, well written, and proper grammar and punctuation are used throughout. Correct layout used. Information is organized, well written, with proper grammar and punctuation. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, proper grammar and punctuation mostly used. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, but proper grammar and punctuation not always used. Some elements of layout incorrect. Introduction /0.5 mark Introduces the topic of the report in an extremely engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives a detailed general background and indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report in an engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives some general background and indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Satisfactorily introduces the topic of the report. Gives a general background. Indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report, but omits a general background of the topic and/or the overall "plan" of the paper. Discussion of topics /4marks All topics discussed in depth. Displays deep analysis of issues with no irrelevant info. Consistently detailed discussion. Displays sound understanding with some analysis of issues and no irrelevant information Most topics are adequately discussed. Displays some understanding and analysis of issues. Inadequate discussion of issues Little/no demonstrated understanding or analysis of most issues and/or some irrelevant information. Case Study /2 marks Case study clearly reflects at least one of the points discussed and the lessons learned Case study clearly reflects the topic discussed, but lessons are not well abstracted Case study is relevant but does not clearly reflect the point of discussion Case study is irrelevant to the topic of discussion Conclusion /0.5 marks An interesting, well written summary of the main points. An excellent final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. A good summary of the main points. A good final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. Satisfactory summary of the main points. A final comment on the subject, but introduced new material. Poor/no summary of the main points. A poor final comment on the subject and/or new material introduced. Referencing /2 marks Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes &acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Mostly correct reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA ) Some problems with quoted material and paraphrased material.Some problems with the reference list. Not all material correctly acknowledged. Some problems with the reference list. SubTotal- /10 marks Team Presentation Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Team Presentation Introduction/Conclusion – 2 Marks Deep analysis of topic – 3 Marks Engagement/Communication - 2 A clear, interesting, engaging, and well communicated presentation of research findings. A good summary of research findings, lacking much clarity and engagement Satisfactory summary of the main research points. Poor summary of the main points, lacking clarity. Total- /7 marks CRICOS Provider No. 00103D CRICOS Provider No. 00103D CRICOS Provider No. 00103D School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology