ITECH 5402 – Enterprise Systems Assessment Tasks 4&5 – Research Report and Presentation (Percentage: 15%+7%, Due Date: Week 10 and 11) This assessment task has been designed to help you deepen your...

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3000 words for assignment and 500 for (C) parts summarising and select any topic from the given topics and here is my no 0452248821 call me if you have questions.

ITECH 5402 – Enterprise Systems Assessment Tasks 4&5 – Research Report and Presentation (Percentage: 15%+7%, Due Date: Week 10 and 11) This assessment task has been designed to help you deepen your understanding of ERP/Enterprise Systems. It comprises of both team and individual components: (a) Form a team of between 2 - 3 members. Minimum 2 members; Maximum 3 members (b) Meet virtually as a team, and select ONE of the below-mentioned research topic.  · Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Business Transformation · Enterprise/ERP Systems integration with organisational systems, such as Cyber-physical Systems and SCADA Systems. · Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Process Automation · A comparison of Enterprise/ERP Systems' Vendors and Products · Enterprise/ERP Systems’ integration with Internet of Things (IoT)  (c) Based on the selected topic, each member of the team is expected to select, and summarise (in 500 - 700 words) four peer-reviewed articles. (5 Marks) - this summary should be included as an appendix in the team report. (d) As a team, write a report of about 3000 words based on the selected topic. The report must include at least one case study/example to reflect the topic of discussion. All selected papers should be discussed and integrated, hence forming the team report. (10 Marks) (e) The team report should include a summary of a short case study that highlights an aspect of the topic selected. The report will be submitted through Turnitin.  (f) Prepare a 10 minutes overview of the findings documented in your Team Report. (Presentations should be recorded and submitted in Week 11) (7 Marks). Team presentations can be recorded using any application of choice e.g Skype/Microsoft Teams Marking Guide - Individual Summary Criteria/Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Discussion of selected topic       /4 marks Selected sub-topic discussed in depth. Displays deep understanding of the context. Displays sound understanding of the context with some analysis of Selected sub-topic. Most items are adequately discussed. Displays some understanding and analysis of Selected sub-topic Inadequate discussion of issues Little/no demonstrated understanding or analysis of Selected sub-topic. Citations and References /1 Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes &acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes &acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Sub total /5 Marks           Marking Guide – Research Report Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Layout/Structure               /1 mark Information is well organized, well written, and proper grammar and punctuation are used throughout. Correct layout used. Information is organized, well written, with proper grammar and punctuation. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, proper grammar and punctuation mostly used. Correct layout used. Information is somewhat organized, but proper grammar and punctuation not always used. Some elements of layout incorrect. Introduction        /0.5 mark Introduces the topic of the report in an extremely engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives a detailed general background and indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report in an engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives some general background and indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Satisfactorily introduces the topic of the report. Gives a general background. Indicates the overall "plan" of the paper. Introduces the topic of the report, but omits a general background of the topic and/or the overall "plan" of the paper. Discussion of topics    /4marks All topics discussed in depth. Displays deep analysis of issues with no irrelevant info. Consistently detailed discussion. Displays sound understanding with some analysis of issues and no irrelevant information Most topics are adequately discussed. Displays some understanding and analysis of issues. Inadequate discussion of issues Little/no demonstrated understanding or analysis of most issues and/or some irrelevant information. Case Study             /2 marks Case study clearly reflects at least one of the points discussed and the lessons learned Case study clearly reflects the topic discussed, but lessons are not well abstracted Case study is relevant but does not clearly reflect the point of discussion Case study is irrelevant to the topic of discussion Conclusion                /0.5 marks An interesting, well written summary of the main points. An excellent final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. A good summary of the main points. A good final comment on the subject, based on the information provided. Satisfactory summary of the main points. A final comment on the subject, but introduced new material. Poor/no summary of the main points. A poor final comment on the subject and/or new material introduced. Referencing                /2 marks Correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Correctly set out reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA). All quoted material in quotes &acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Mostly correct reference list. Mostly correct referencing (APA ) Some problems with quoted material and paraphrased material.Some problems with the reference list. Not all material correctly acknowledged. Some problems with the reference list. SubTotal- /10 marks       Team Presentation Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0) Team Presentation   Introduction/Conclusion – 2 Marks Deep analysis of topic – 3 Marks Engagement/Communication - 2 A clear, interesting, engaging, and well communicated presentation of research findings. A good summary of research findings, lacking much clarity and engagement Satisfactory summary of the main research points.   Poor summary of the main points, lacking clarity.   Total- /7 marks       CRICOS Provider No. 00103D CRICOS Provider No. 00103D CRICOS Provider No. 00103D School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology
Answered Same DaySep 29, 2021ITECH5402

Answer To: ITECH 5402 – Enterprise Systems Assessment Tasks 4&5 – Research Report and Presentation (Percentage:...

Neha answered on Oct 08 2021
157 Votes
66744 - erp implementation/66744 - ERP.docx
Enterprise/ERP Systems and its connection to Digital Business Transformation
Abstract    2
Introduction    2
Digital Transformation and ERP Systems    2
Purpose and Objectives    3
Methodology    4
Key Concepts    5
Disruptive Technologies    5
Systems of Engagement    6
Selective Applications    7
Model of ERP    9
Conclusion    10
References    11
The enterprise resource planning is used to help the business with highly integrated software solution which was already present since many years. The ERP system acts as the base of multiple it application landscape for most of the organizations it is commoditized very nicely and scarcely left any room for differentiation. The major digital transformation is taking place very rapidly nowadays and the
role of the ERP system has to be considered in the digital world. In this report we will discuss about the concept of system of engagement which focuses on the importance of enterprise application to allow the employees of the organization being more user oriented to support the collaboration and provide more power to them. On the basis of this understanding we can develop a model which will classify how the ERP system can help tendency of the people centricity focus and the level of integration it has.
The following is the introductory section in which we will discuss about the evolution of digital transformation and the implications which are possible for the ERP system with it . It will outline the purpose and objectivity and relevance of the study along with the methodology which is applied for it.
Digital Transformation and ERP Systems
The digital transformation in terms of the economy and society it behaves as the resolution which has similar great impact over the industrial revolution of the 19th century. In 1960s the introduction of the initial computers was originated and there were many efforts which were initiated to help the industry for automating all the processes which will further allow them to accelerate ball the steps with the Internet and specially in the worldwide web during 1990. The digital transformation was present since the 1960 and it was mainly related with the continuous innovations in the technologies overtime. In the 1960 when mainframes were released the management of large amount of data and automated calculations were possible after this. Later years many other many innovations took place like client server computing during the 1980 and ERP system in the 1990 which help the organization to gain new productivity and some significant transformations for the employees in the way the whole organization and employees work.
The 3rd industrial revolution took place during the 1990 and 2000 along with the dynamics of some globalization transform technology and the business which manifested itself for example the web-based solutions and complete automated processes. During the same. The usage of the ERP system was expanded more actually gave a lot of rice to the vendors of ERP life Oracle, SAP, JD Edwards and few others who have permitted the enterprises to operate and integrate the complex processes in their organization. As the Internet and other technical innovations took place the digitalisation were the internal operations was not limited anymore but to permit the payment and allow easy express for the supply chains from different locations using the Internet access was difficult. Despite of all the incredible successes the ERP system were now had to make it possible to live in the digital transformation. In the digital transformation it could be seen that the ERP system are in the end of their life.
Purpose and Objectives
The major purpose of performing this study is to find out deeper knowledge about the practical applications along with following the academics discipline of the information systems will stop the major objective of this report are to show the relation between the enterprise ERP systems and the digital transformation, put more stress over the future role when we will collaborate with the concept of system of engagement, enhance the current theory which is focusing on the ERP transformation and guide for the future research which can help for recommendations and share our research agenda (Turner, D., & Chung, S. H).
The major focus of this report is to argue about the planning and usage of the enterprise which can implement or consolidated the ERP system to decide about the future role of the ERP system in organization. If we say more precisely enterprise have to define weather what's today lies about implementation or consolidation of the ERP or the digital transformation. The photos of this report in this respect is on the people and the collaboration especially on the new generation of the digital natives who tries to bring different expectations for the work environment in the organization and the way employees work.
To analyse the focus of interest we will use the primary method of the recommendation given by few authors like Benbasat and Zmud for conducting the reviews over systematic literature. The major aim of the literature search is to find out all the sources which are focused on this particular topic along with the methods for proving the relevance or and rigour of the research work. To achieve the relevance, it is important that we make sure that we are not investigating about the already known aspects of the topic again and again. To continue with the discussion about the role of ERP system in the digital world we can mainly focus on the potential of collaborative aspects. We'll discuss about the aspects of concept given by Moore to demonstrate the relevance and adaptability of his model in different context of the business. The system of engagement concept will be mainly used for designing a straightforward method which will have major focus for supporting decision makers for the initiatives of ERP system. As will use a design science which is related with this approach. The approach will be used to support the objectives of the research which are mentioned above and the author will provide few guidelines for the design science and information system, for directing the research activities specially with respect to the guideline 5.
Key Concepts
In this particular section we will discuss about the system of engagement concept and all the perspectives which are related with ERP system. On the basis of exemplary cases the following is the Broad field about the potential applications and its concept.
Disruptive Technologies
Most of the authors have already discussed about the disruptive industrial revolution which started in the recent years. The German country says that the expression industry 4.0 emerge which follows the initiative provided by the German government. There are few high income countries which wants to exploit the technological innovation so that they can keep up with the competition and always try to manage themselves at the head of the market. To achieve this goal the countries are using cyber physical systems as it is important for merging the physical and digital world together. In the relation of this expect there are the drivers of 4th industrial revolution which are big data, Internet of Things or the augmented reality. There are many publications which are related with the 4th industrial revolution who started their journey by showing the evaluation of all the technological advances and it later followed the future perspective of how this revolution can actually change the business world. In a research paper which was published in 2005 the major focus of the author was to show how Internet of Things can affect current and new business models. One of the papers described about the connected and intelligent system were facing difficulty in integrating and This was a major challenge for most of the industries and the...

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