3. Write ARM assembly program to load the three 16-bit hexadecimal numbers into memory locations 0x40000060 to 0x40000065 and add them together and store the result in R7. Use EQU to assign the names...

3. Write ARM assembly program to load the three 16-bit hexadecimal numbers into<br>memory locations 0x40000060 to 0x40000065 and add them together and store the<br>result in R7. Use EQU to assign the names TEMP0 – TEMP2 to memory location<br>Ox40000060 to 0x40000065. (Using LOOP and BRANCH)<br>

Extracted text: 3. Write ARM assembly program to load the three 16-bit hexadecimal numbers into memory locations 0x40000060 to 0x40000065 and add them together and store the result in R7. Use EQU to assign the names TEMP0 – TEMP2 to memory location Ox40000060 to 0x40000065. (Using LOOP and BRANCH)

Jun 11, 2022

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