3. Use the Txy and Pxy phase diagrams for benzene-toluene to answer the questions that follow. Benzene (1) – Toluene (2) Txy at 1 bar (760 mmHg) Benzene (1) – Toluene (2) Pxy at 293 K (mmHg) 00 0.2 04...

3. Use the Txy and Pxy phase diagrams for benzene-toluene to answer the questions that follow.<br>Benzene (1) – Toluene (2) Txy at 1 bar (760 mmHg)<br>Benzene (1) – Toluene (2) Pxy at 293 K<br>(mmHg)<br>00<br>0.2<br>04<br>0.6<br>0.8<br>1.0<br>00<br>02<br>04<br>06<br>0.8<br>1.0<br>X, or y,<br>X1 or y1<br>a. What is the phase(s) of an overall 20% toluene, 80% benzene mixture at 293 K and 30<br>mmHg, and if two phases are present, what is their composition? What is the highest<br>temperature at which a 60% toluene, 40% benzene vapor would begin to condense at 1 bar<br>(760 mmHg)?<br>b. An 80% benzene, 20% toluene liquid mixture is heated at 1 bar (760 mmHg) in a closed<br>piston chamber. What will be the temperature when the last drop of liquid is vaporized?<br>c. A piston operating at a constant temperature of 293 K is initially filled with a liquid<br>containing 80 moles of benzene and 120 moles of toluene. The volume of the piston is<br>expanded until the pressure inside the piston is 35 mmHg. What will be the phase(s) of the<br>mixture, and if two phases are present, how many moles of each species are in each phase?<br>(ɔ.) I<br>105 110<br>

Extracted text: 3. Use the Txy and Pxy phase diagrams for benzene-toluene to answer the questions that follow. Benzene (1) – Toluene (2) Txy at 1 bar (760 mmHg) Benzene (1) – Toluene (2) Pxy at 293 K (mmHg) 00 0.2 04 0.6 0.8 1.0 00 02 04 06 0.8 1.0 X, or y, X1 or y1 a. What is the phase(s) of an overall 20% toluene, 80% benzene mixture at 293 K and 30 mmHg, and if two phases are present, what is their composition? What is the highest temperature at which a 60% toluene, 40% benzene vapor would begin to condense at 1 bar (760 mmHg)? b. An 80% benzene, 20% toluene liquid mixture is heated at 1 bar (760 mmHg) in a closed piston chamber. What will be the temperature when the last drop of liquid is vaporized? c. A piston operating at a constant temperature of 293 K is initially filled with a liquid containing 80 moles of benzene and 120 moles of toluene. The volume of the piston is expanded until the pressure inside the piston is 35 mmHg. What will be the phase(s) of the mixture, and if two phases are present, how many moles of each species are in each phase? (ɔ.) I 105 110

Jun 08, 2022

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