Reading Work is an individual assignmentHere are the general requirements:Read chapters and do the discussioEach question should %bulleted form. ek ton taeDo not write...

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3 question 1 page each bullet points and subbullet points

Reading Work is an individual assignment Here are the general requirements: Read chapters and do the discussio Each question should % bulleted form. ek ton tae Do not write paragraphs but write a set of discussion/talking poi future. We are, Ter g points we can use in the future eC as fone) 2 os, textbook, do external research, and use the references at the end of “eed chat | Our reference list must be included with the bulleted submission and the bullets must use the reference textbook and from external research. A oe In conclusion, the 1-page summary should follow the APA format (use the link below for reference title (e.g., Chapter 1), (2) a question, (3) bullets with citations, and (4) a reference list. Es Use Microsoft Word for the Reading Work (e.g., 3 pages in total for 3 questions of chapter 1-3), r as firstname_lastname_Reading #, and submit it to Blackboard. There are 8 Modules. Therefore, we can nam our work such as Weihong_Ning_Reading 1 for Module 1. oa Tana Below is a Good Example of Reading Work with my comments. We can use it as > for our work. questions at the end of each chapter. ge (Times New Roman with font size 12, single space) and should | e in C -8L685-61¢-£-3L6/L001 01 10°10p//-Sdny "TE! — 10] ‘Swia1SAS UODUOJU] Ul S2143S PAIDASI] -yoroiddy pajuauo-ANjiqede) V 1101995 : 21[qN SY} UI OUBWIIACH LI PIZIEIU0( SPIEMOL (L100) °f 21A0)ARIPZ % “I EAOYUIAY SEpES| C761 8L6/5100/W0d 20IMOS[BHA|USH00G//-5 C1 -ssa1g 1adso1g “(uonipd yay) uonwAouu] 29 A31ens 11 (8107) 'V'H WIS % dT UPON JZ UIIP-SA-IZI[RIIUII-IMIIMI]S~ 10-11/S30IN0SA1/UI00 OTAPBAIEAMFOS AMAL AM/7:SAny “0IADY QUEMYOS | [70 - SIPANE J0J $0IN053Y IEMYOS SSUISNE do] “ao14py 240m3J0S | cpazipAuaaQ 40 pazi|pAUa) 2g UOHDZIUDSAQ) LI AMOK PINOYS (oz 1HdV ‘1207) f Teun U1) 151] 200239533 “[y) MN] PR3UdWIWOD “35 ‘wnjnoLInd Suiudisop ‘voneuniojul JuLreys — [euLiojul A[reord4) s1 A1noej JN0GE UOISSNISIP/UOIEIUNUILIOD JARIOQE[0D) = sjusunredap 0} JedIUNWIWIOD AIP SUBIP ‘feusioj A|[eordA} SI UOHIEOIUNWWIOD [EJIYDIELINY = UOHBOIUNWIUIOD [BULIO] = POZI[ENIU0P OS[e Ie SUONEDIUNUILIO) [BULIOJUI PUE [BULIO] JO SWINE] © Jje1s pue sjusunedop AJnoej & SUBdp & 9X9 do} 9U) LOI} JIE]S SUOISINP & PIZI[BIIUIIIP PUB UMOP UDY0IQ S! uowdFeUB © “goIe 2) ul SuorreIodiod 31q 9ABY 3,USI0p pue BoIE [eIn1 I0W © Si SUOIS SBIJOUM ‘PIOJUIRH UI SISSAUISNQ Yim saniunpoddo TeuoneoNpa dARY Aer S)uapN]s ssauisng — AreIqiy d1[qnd pIojieH um PaRISAUL “A310 3 JO SINOSA SISA — QYOJLAVH NNOON 91 BAIR AU UI SA1uedwod JOY10 Yim NIoMm 0) WAY) SI[QRUS Tey) BATE JUSIRJJIP © Ul PIJES0[ 3q 31 syusuipredap swos ‘snduredo urews yj uo re sjuaumedap S,[00Y9S U3 JO [Je JOU :uoIeoo[SIp [edrydeifoon o Wy — 40Sy38 Ba q00 ar — (L10T ‘DIAONABIDZ BAOYUIAY) AisIdAtun d1jqnd jo s[durexs — 103035 o1[qn e z d3ejueApe £y oA132dUI0D AOU — 1o01nb pue J2Ised A30[0uyod) Mau Jusudwr ue) 2 (1202 4 crpumyy) dnojoeq Se J9AISS S (1 JIOUR ISN Ud — Paod)je A1I®101 1 USI ! of LONEZIue310 J[0UM dU} “(1]] UO JOJ UMOP S303 JOAIDS © JI YUDI[ISOI IOI m 2 g juswdIeurLU 2 = SuoneNd Put “su aOIepU Joy3iy pm ss2001d [eAoidde ue padu 3 USI0P PUB “Nf dU UIHIM SI 1 duis ‘5 uo BIE JpNUL PIROYS SIMSUS ano 10)s8}J SUOISIIP Soyeu! ‘wWa} 0} PAIO]IE} SIIMOSAIL | 3S00Yd ued Nf yoey spy ges ¢ ES ta “OUP! > L# PLING 31 39W3q 1] ACY PInoM 31 c 210 010 > Ro syusumire urnioddns se 91S en nes A, uo paseq arempiey/suoneordde SSOOUDILED PUE IOAIDS UMO $1! SuElutBW Ng yous © (Inq YES 304 “SIS[ING SAL SIS JOYE (1207 “Fewn) UOEZ[ENUS03P =1USUNIEAOP Youd Ur SAF pue Spadu | | usu; Ia (s)uonend um SPING-S 10 SPIRE :[€) MN] PIUIWUWOD ) Op J0UUED PUE LED 1 JEYM 1DLNSAL 384) SUOR[NFax pue sme) a | «%SSE snpu} JOJ SATIAYID dour 3q WYSIW [SPO URUIIACS PIZI[unu29p . JJ V us % udMIN aARY J8Y) SOL) iid (du - w aq [dpow DUBUIIAOS PIZI[BIIUIDIP © p[nom ol 0 Pazijenyua) ¢ = wawwod | — a a any 2 340 iPuo3 win puny 9 a9dey)y - wewwio | : gr —— om {DMN PRNIWWOD | JL 2 | € duipeay Jweuser Swreusyy
Answered Same DayMar 31, 2023

Answer To: Reading Work is an individual assignmentHere are the general requirements:...

Parul answered on Apr 01 2023
41 Votes
Questions on Page 182 (Page number 10 in the pdf)
Answer 1. Thought leadership and emerging technology management are two distinct but complementary skills in the IT industry. Thought leadership is about being a subject matter expert in a particular area and
having the ability to inspire and influence others with your ideas and insights. To be an effective thought leader, you need strong communication skills, critical thinking skills, and the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your field. You also need to be able to articulate complex ideas in a way that is accessible and engaging to a wide audience (Chou, Cheng, & Wu, 2021).
On the other hand, emerging technology management is about identifying, evaluating, and implementing new technologies that have the potential to transform an organization's operations or create new business opportunities (Leuschner, 2020). This requires a strong understanding of emerging technologies and how they can be applied to solve real-world problems. You also need to have project management skills, budgeting skills, and the ability to work collaboratively with other stakeholders.
While there is some overlap between these two skill sets, thought leadership is more focused on generating ideas and insights, while emerging technology management is more focused on executing on those ideas and bringing them to fruition. Ultimately, both skills are necessary for organizations to stay competitive in the ever-evolving world of IT.
Answer 2. An organization that is successful at managing emerging technology but lacking in thought leadership may encounter several challenges.
Firstly, they may be able to implement new technologies effectively, but they may not be able to fully leverage the potential benefits of those technologies. This is because they may not have a clear vision of how these technologies fit into the broader strategic goals of the organization, or they may not be able to effectively communicate the value proposition of these technologies to stakeholders.
Secondly, they may be focused on incremental improvements to existing processes and systems rather than thinking strategically about how emerging technologies can fundamentally transform their business. This may result in missed opportunities to create new revenue streams or gain a competitive advantage in the market.
Thirdly, they may struggle to attract and retain top talent in their organization. Thought leaders are often attracted to organizations that value innovation and encourage employees to think outside the...

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