3. INCLINED STADIA SIGHTS. A stadia interval of 1.325m is observed on a stadia rod held over a turning point using an engineer's transit with a stadia interval factor of 98.5 and a stadia constant of...

3. INCLINED STADIA SIGHTS. A stadia interval of 1.325m is observed on a stadia rod<br>held over a turning point using an engineer's transit with a stadia interval factor of 98.5<br>and a stadia constant of 0.300m. The elevation of the instrument station of 329.246m<br>and the height of instrument above the station is 1.245m. if the rod readings is 1.649m<br>and the vertical angle observed is -15°17', determine the horizontal, vertical, and inclined<br>distances by exact stadia formulas. Also determine the difference in elevation between<br>the turning point and the instrument station.<br>4. INCLINED STADI SIGHTS. Using the same values given in problem no. 3, determine<br>the same required quantities of this time the vertical angle observe is +13 58'.<br>

Extracted text: 3. INCLINED STADIA SIGHTS. A stadia interval of 1.325m is observed on a stadia rod held over a turning point using an engineer's transit with a stadia interval factor of 98.5 and a stadia constant of 0.300m. The elevation of the instrument station of 329.246m and the height of instrument above the station is 1.245m. if the rod readings is 1.649m and the vertical angle observed is -15°17', determine the horizontal, vertical, and inclined distances by exact stadia formulas. Also determine the difference in elevation between the turning point and the instrument station. 4. INCLINED STADI SIGHTS. Using the same values given in problem no. 3, determine the same required quantities of this time the vertical angle observe is +13 58'.

Jun 11, 2022

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