3. Compute the resisting moment with respect to the x-x axis for the A36 steel member shown. The cover plates are attached with continuous fillet welds, and the compression flange has full lateral...

3. Compute the resisting moment with respect to the x-x axis for the A36 steel member shown. The<br>cover plates are attached with continuous fillet welds, and the compression flange has full lateral<br>support. (Use F1= 24 ksi.)<br>For the W18X 50: (section depth) d = 17.99 in.<br>Ix<br>= 800 in 4<br>10

Extracted text: 3. Compute the resisting moment with respect to the x-x axis for the A36 steel member shown. The cover plates are attached with continuous fillet welds, and the compression flange has full lateral support. (Use F1= 24 ksi.) For the W18X 50: (section depth) d = 17.99 in. Ix = 800 in 4 10" x " plate W18 X 50 10" X" plate
Appendix<br>Expressions for axially loaded compression member:<br>KI<br>For-< C. =<br>2T²E<br>[1 – (Kl/r)²/(2C? )]Fy<br>F, =<br>5 3(Kl/r) _ (Kl/r)³<br>8Cc<br>Fy<br>|21²E<br>1212E<br>KI<br>For-> Cc<br>Fa<br>Fy<br>23(KI/r)2<br>Pa =<br>FaA<br>Expressions for beam:<br>MR = F,S, in which S =-<br>Expressions for tension member:<br>Pt = A,F , in which F = 0.6Fy<br>P; = A,Ft , in which F = 0.5Fu<br>P = A.Ft , in which Ae = U An, F = 0.5Fu<br>P = A,F, + A,F; , in which Fy = 0.30Fµ , F; = 0.50Fu<br>P = nr,, in which r, = ApFv, ry = d t F,<br>TABLE 2-1 Values for Reduction Coefficient, U<br>U = 0.90<br>W, M, S shapes or their tees.<br>Connection is to the flanges.<br>Minimum of three bolts per line in the direction of<br>Case I<br>stress.<br>(min.)<br>(min.)<br>U = 0,85<br>All shapes and built-up cross sections not meeting<br>the requirements of case I. Minimum of three bolts<br>per line in the direction of stress.<br>Case II<br>U = 0.75<br>All members whose connections have only two bolts<br>per line in the direction of stress.<br>Case III<br>Units:<br>ksi : kips per square inch<br>kips: kilo pounds<br>lb/ft: pounds per foot<br>kips/ft: kilo pounds per foot<br>

Extracted text: Appendix Expressions for axially loaded compression member: KI For-< c.="2T²E" [1="" –="" (kl/r)²/(2c?="" )]fy="" f,="5" 3(kl/r)="" _="" (kl/r)³="" 8cc="" fy="" |21²e="" 1212e="" ki="" for-=""> Cc Fa Fy 23(KI/r)2 Pa = FaA Expressions for beam: MR = F,S, in which S =- Expressions for tension member: Pt = A,F , in which F = 0.6Fy P; = A,Ft , in which F = 0.5Fu P = A.Ft , in which Ae = U An, F = 0.5Fu P = A,F, + A,F; , in which Fy = 0.30Fµ , F; = 0.50Fu P = nr,, in which r, = ApFv, ry = d t F, TABLE 2-1 Values for Reduction Coefficient, U U = 0.90 W, M, S shapes or their tees. Connection is to the flanges. Minimum of three bolts per line in the direction of Case I stress. (min.) (min.) U = 0,85 All shapes and built-up cross sections not meeting the requirements of case I. Minimum of three bolts per line in the direction of stress. Case II U = 0.75 All members whose connections have only two bolts per line in the direction of stress. Case III Units: ksi : kips per square inch kips: kilo pounds lb/ft: pounds per foot kips/ft: kilo pounds per foot
Jun 11, 2022

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