Extracted text: 3. Compute the resisting moment with respect to the x-x axis for the A36 steel member shown. The cover plates are attached with continuous fillet welds, and the compression flange has full lateral support. (Use F1= 24 ksi.) For the W18X 50: (section depth) d = 17.99 in. Ix = 800 in 4 10" x " plate W18 X 50 10" X" plate
![Appendix<br>Expressions for axially loaded compression member:<br>KI<br>For-< C. =<br>2T²E<br>[1 – (Kl/r)²/(2C? )]Fy<br>F, =<br>5 3(Kl/r) _ (Kl/r)³<br>8Cc<br>Fy<br>|21²E<br>1212E<br>KI<br>For-> Cc<br>Fa<br>Fy<br>23(KI/r)2<br>Pa =<br>FaA<br>Expressions for beam:<br>MR = F,S, in which S =-<br>Expressions for tension member:<br>Pt = A,F , in which F = 0.6Fy<br>P; = A,Ft , in which F = 0.5Fu<br>P = A.Ft , in which Ae = U An, F = 0.5Fu<br>P = A,F, + A,F; , in which Fy = 0.30Fµ , F; = 0.50Fu<br>P = nr,, in which r, = ApFv, ry = d t F,<br>TABLE 2-1 Values for Reduction Coefficient, U<br>U = 0.90<br>W, M, S shapes or their tees.<br>Connection is to the flanges.<br>Minimum of three bolts per line in the direction of<br>Case I<br>stress.<br>(min.)<br>(min.)<br>U = 0,85<br>All shapes and built-up cross sections not meeting<br>the requirements of case I. Minimum of three bolts<br>per line in the direction of stress.<br>Case II<br>U = 0.75<br>All members whose connections have only two bolts<br>per line in the direction of stress.<br>Case III<br>Units:<br>ksi : kips per square inch<br>kips: kilo pounds<br>lb/ft: pounds per foot<br>kips/ft: kilo pounds per foot<br>](https://s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/storage.unifolks.com/qimg-008/008_e8kuzp0-tjt0igry.jpeg)
Extracted text: Appendix Expressions for axially loaded compression member: KI For-< c.="2T²E" [1="" –="" (kl/r)²/(2c?="" )]fy="" f,="5" 3(kl/r)="" _="" (kl/r)³="" 8cc="" fy="" |21²e="" 1212e="" ki="" for-=""> Cc Fa Fy 23(KI/r)2 Pa = FaA Expressions for beam: MR = F,S, in which S =- Expressions for tension member: Pt = A,F , in which F = 0.6Fy P; = A,Ft , in which F = 0.5Fu P = A.Ft , in which Ae = U An, F = 0.5Fu P = A,F, + A,F; , in which Fy = 0.30Fµ , F; = 0.50Fu P = nr,, in which r, = ApFv, ry = d t F, TABLE 2-1 Values for Reduction Coefficient, U U = 0.90 W, M, S shapes or their tees. Connection is to the flanges. Minimum of three bolts per line in the direction of Case I stress. (min.) (min.) U = 0,85 All shapes and built-up cross sections not meeting the requirements of case I. Minimum of three bolts per line in the direction of stress. Case II U = 0.75 All members whose connections have only two bolts per line in the direction of stress. Case III Units: ksi : kips per square inch kips: kilo pounds lb/ft: pounds per foot kips/ft: kilo pounds per foot