Answer To: 江苏大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告 江苏大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告 学院: 管理学院 XXXXXXXXXX专业: 人力资源管理 XXXXXXXXXX学号: XXXXXXXXXX...
Shubham answered on Jan 09 2022
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Pandemic create a halt in everyone’s busy live and so it created challenges for the organizations and employees. It was extremely critical to find new ways to run business contribute in society and make sure that sustainability is not compromised. China being the first country to get affected by COVID and recover out of it, employee’s innovative ideas and behavior towards fighting the pandemic was helpful in facing the crisis and creating an example for the world that the human resources are the ultimate minds which can push off any crisis and fight back to be in mainstream. The research helps to understand how various companies with the help of innovative ideas form their employees was able to stand the crisis and generate business even in hardest of times.
Table of Contents
Abstract 2
Chapter 1: Introduction 5
1.1 Research Background 5
1.1.1 Macro Background 5
1.1.2 Micro Background 6
1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Research 6
1.3 Research Content Ideas and Research Methods 7
1.3.1 The Impact of Employee Job Satisfaction Factors Study Content 8
1.3.2 Research Methods: Literature Reading Method 8
1.3.3 Research Objectives 8
1.3.2 Research Question 9
Chapter 2: Literature Review 10
2.1 Impact of Pandemic on Corporate Culture 10
2.2 Problems faced by Employees 11
2.3 What is Employee Innovation 13
2.4 What is Employee Behavior 15
2.5 Need of Employee Innovation and Behavior 16
2.6 Management of Employee Innovation 17
2.7 Challenge for Future 18
Chapter 3: Theoretical Models and Hypotheses 19
3.2 Model for Innovative Work Behavior 19
3.2.1 Teamwork 19
3.1.2 Information Sharing 20
Chapter 4: Research Methodology 24
4.1 Research Outline 24
4.1.1 Justification for Deductive Approach 24
4.2 Accessibility Issues 25
4.3 Ethical Considerations 25
4.4 Summary 25
Chapter 5: Findings and Analysis 27
Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 31
6.1 Conclusion 31
6.2 Recommendations 31
References 34
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Research Background
The outbreak of Covid-19 is the major aspect in the present context that enhances several changes in the global platform. Due to pandemics, social isolation has become mandatory to prevent the safety of human beings. The global lockdown and restriction in travel become the core factors that affect the corporate culture and enhance several changes in the operational management of the organization.
Employee innovation and behavioral approach employees have also been found to be changed according to the demand of pandemics (Shin & Kang, 2020). In many organizations, employees are allowed to work from their homes so that they can be safe and can maintain social distance. In this context, innovative work tendency and innovation tendency can be observed among employees in the era of COVID that help many organizations to sustain their business.
The research aims to identify the employee innovation and employee behavior during the era of the pandemic in the organization that plays a major role in sustaining the overall performance success of the business
1.1.1 Macro Background
Workers' mental wellbeing to a major extent relies upon the initiative way of behaving of the pioneer. Worker authority holds that supporters' confidence in pioneers and mental security can be upgraded by serving their requirements, engaging them, sympathizing with them, conceptualizing their abilities, making an incentive for the local area, focusing on subordinates, acting morally, and assisting them with developing and succeed.
Representatives are probably going to take on new practices and imaginative conduct in a workplace with high mental wellbeing and lays out that worker administration has an immediate and positive relationship with workers' creative way of behaving. Additionally, mental wellbeing and flourishing at work to some extent intercede this relationship. It has been accounted for that mental wellbeing somewhat intervenes the impacts of worker authority on voice conduct. It has been shown that mental security possibly intercedes the connection between comprehensive administration and development.
1.1.2 Micro Background
It tends to be brought up that, imaginative work-conduct is most elevated when representatives partake in their work, are naturally roused, and they are completely caught up in it. The condition of awareness that fits these three circumstances can be alluded to as stream. Applied to work circumstances, this is alluded to as business related stream.
It is not clear, notwithstanding, whether and how much both mandate authority and enabling administration can cultivate creative work-conduct by means of improved business related stream and how this potential interceding job of business related stream contrasts across various timeframes in remote work circumstances during the COVID-19-pandemic.
In addition, the intervening job of business related stream in the connection among authority and imaginative work-conduct might be dependent upon the nature of correspondence between representatives with the pioneer and with peers. The absence of actual co-presence on accounts of homeworking may have ramifications in a roundabout way for representatives' imaginative work-conduct.
1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Research
The research study sheds light on the problem of employee innovation and employee behavior that has arisen during a pandemic. As pandemic generates global lockdown, it creates a new tendency of work attitude and several employees have approached to accomplish their work from their home (Sheng, Amankwah‐Amoah, Khan & Wang, 2021).
In this context, the work attitude and employee behavior towards the work have become challenging issues for the management of the organization. However, the current research focuses on the issues and explores the employee innovation and behavior through which the organization has succeeded to sustain its business in the covid-19 era.
In the present context, the research is significant as it explores the positive attitude and innovative ideas of employees that they have shown during the era of pandemics and still maintain to accommodate the organizational goal. At the same time, the research has focused on the challenges and resolutions that have been approached by employees and management during the pandemic (Rahman, Kistyanto & Surjanti, 2020).
However, the significance of the research is explored through the discussion of a strong relationship between management and employees during a pandemic that inspires employees to enhance innovative work behavior to resist the obstacles in corporate culture due to pandemics. The research focused on the flow of work for employees who are working remotely. Apart from this, the relevant challenge and solution due to remote working is also included in the research work that increases the significance of the research.
1.3 Research Content Ideas and Research Methods
To get it, retain, arrange and sum up it, join the temporary position insight in the applicable protection industry, continue from the genuine circumstance, concentrate on the impacting variables of occupation fulfillment, and reach relating determinations to make sensible and viable measures for further developing representative fulfillment in the protection business's idea.
1.3.1 The Impact of Employee Job Satisfaction Factors Study Content
While initiating the research it is to initially clarify some pressing issues, decide the exploration course, lead writing audit and figure out the examination status, furthermore decide the examination technique, then, at that point, build models and set forward speculations, and direct poll studies and information investigation afterward on the examination questions, lastly reach determinations.
1.3.2 Research Methods: Literature Reading Method
In the beginning phase of the examination, the writer read a great deal of writing on innovation behavior of employees and grasped the pertinent speculations, in order to track down the thoughts and techniques for this exploration. At last, the researcher will sum the observations. The research on employee innovation and behavior during pandemics has been approached in both international and domestic platforms. In the global platform, the international organization WHO has proceeded the research and established new standards and norms to assess the impact of Covid-19 (Mroz, Krogmann, Nemcikova & Oremusova, 2021).
Through survey, reports from different countries have accounted for the international research status. On the other hand, domestic research in China has approached. As per the government report of China it has found that, the government has approached strict policy to prevent Covid-19 and the report as well asserts that the corporate sector of China focus on employee innovation and behavior to resist the ill effect of Covid-19.
1.3.3 Research Objectives
· To identify the employee innovation during the era of covid-19 in the organization
· To analyze the employee work behavior while working remotely due to pandemic
· To evaluate employee innovation and working behavior during the pandemic that affects the working flow of the organization
· To recommend some strategy that could be applied to reduce the challenge of the pandemic in corporate culture
1.3.2 Research Question
What employee innovation and employee behavior in the era of a pandemic can be seen in the organization to sustain the business?
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Impact of Pandemic on Corporate Culture
The impact of the pandemic is significant in aspects of corporate culture as it affects majorly the working culture of the corporate area. The data reveals that several workers lost their current jobs and that burnout is the lack of opportunities for growth for employees associated with the corporate sector.
However, the global lockdown and bans on travel significantly affected the nature of the work in the corporate sector and enhanced a greater change like the interaction process within the corporate culture. Employees get to know that they do not need to be present in the office and can lead their work remotely (Wediawati, Althalets & Aransyah, 2020). They often realize they do not require commuting to work.
On the other hand, many businesses go homebound from jet sets with little effect on the business. In this context of changes, the leaders have found that the organizational culture should be changed according to the present criteria so that sustainability can be assured. In the context of the major changes due to a pandemic, leaders need to place some strong organizational culture so that it could be aligned with the changes otherwise it causes problems to sustain the business (Li, Liu, Mai & Zhang, 2021). However, organizational culture is the collection of individual behavior that is conducted in the organizational premises.
Due to the pandemic, each employee needs to stay at their home, lead their work remotely and explore the necessity of strong interaction and online accessories for the sustainability of organizational culture and the overall business procedure. In general, corporate culture does not change rapidly or very slowly but it adjusts slowly and takes time to enhance rapid changes in the organization.
Due to the pandemic, several changes have occurred in the organizational culture and it affects the process of productivity and the management style. The use of digital has increased rapidly. At present the availability of video conferences, digital shared storage of files, screen sharing, digital whiteboards, multi-authoring documents, smartphone cat groups are easy and that ignores the essentiality of face-to-face dogma (Di Lorenzo & Sibillo, 2020).
However, the interaction process of corporate culture is greatly affected by Covid-19 as most important professional jobs are done remotely and that encourages implementation of strong online accessories and appropriate interaction in corporate culture that could be aligned with the necessity of the organization in a pandemic.
Some innovative ideas and methods and collaborative technologies have been adopted by ladders in the corporate sector so that they can build up a good relationship with their employees while they work from their homes. The impact of the pandemic has also affected the productivity of the corporate sector as it has experienced less productivity as per the time limitation and that often creates challenges for the sustainability of corporate culture.
2.2 Problems faced by Employees
Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, employees in many companies faced several challenges while performing their job roles. The first and prior challenge that has been faced by employees is associated with health security. However, uncertainty, disconnection have become the major challenges that affect employees and they face challenges to overcome this emotion. However, pandemic causes an economic recession and that enhances uncertainty among employees and that increases the frustration level among employees and that affects the overall productivity of the organization.
At the same time, employees feel disconnected from their organization and that generates several questions regarding the organizational goals, about their safety issues when they return to their office (Bostan, Akbolat, Kaya, Ozata & Gunes, 2020). After a thorough analysis of survey reports, the data has revealed that many employees have faced mental health issues, loneliness, fear, self-doubt, and many more that affect their mental health issues and affect their work due to isolation while pandemic.
In this context, they require the proper help from their organization. At the same time, the boundaries of working hours have expanded in a pandemic that also, increases stress levels among employees and that affects the overall performance and skill of the employees in organizations and corporations. Employees who work from their homes often said that they do not get the signals for the log out that they used to while working from the office. At the same time, due to Covid-19, the employees face challenges to collaborate as the face-to-face meeting is not possible and miscommunication often creates challenges for employees to conduct their job (Rodeghero, Zimmermann, Houck & Ford, 2021).
On the other hand, safety issues and protection factors are also considered other factors that make employees worried, as they have to rejoin the office after a pandemic. Apart from this, the new norm of digital communication often creates challenges for employees, as many employees were not usually aware of this new process of communication such as video conferencing, screen sharing, and many more. It anyhow affects the overall productivity of employees as well as the organization.
However, employees often failed to meet their deadlines due to miscommunication and lack of coordination. In many cases, disruption of the internet and networking creates challenges for employees as many of them live in remote places. As n outcome, less productivity can be observed in their productivity that discourages the work efficiency and tendency of employees. It also affects the innovative and creative minds of employees and generates challenges to mitigate their organizational goals.
Apart from this, as pandemic enhances a global lockdown it affects the psychology of employees and they often feel bored and lonely and miss their organizational culture that influences their work positively. It also affects their work activities, innovative ideas, and work effort. Therefore, it can be seen that pandemic creates several challenges for employees to pursue their professional goals.
2.3 What is Employee Innovation
Employee innovation is playing a significant role in organizational goals and success. Employee innovation occurs when employees in the team are focused on their job role and they put effort into mitigating the objective of the project. In this context, employees are attentive to creating something new and include innovative ideas to resolve challenges in the path of their productivity or job role. Employee innovation can be possible if they are attentive to accept the challenges and increase their involvement.
However, the sustainability of the organization depends on employee innovation that includes innovative ideas...