21.Kyle failed his algebra exam. This is an example of:
a.a chronic stressor.
b.an acute stressor.
c.a cumulative stressor.
d.an external stressor.
22.Having a tooth knocked out during a football game is an example of:
a.an acute stressor.
b.an ambiguous stressor.
c.a cumulative stressor.
d.a volitional stressor.
23.____ stressors are produced by events that are wanted and sought out.
24.Deciding to adopt a child is an example of:
a.an acute stressor.
b.a volitional stressor.
c.an ambiguous stressor.
d.a cumulative stressor.
25.Some Americans believe that women are passive and irrational. For many women, these beliefs are:
a.external stressors.
b.acute stressors.
c.normative stressors.
d.volitional stressors.
26.A healthy person is defined as an individual who is:
a.free of stress.
b.capable of dealing with stress.
c.able to rationalize stress.
d.good at projecting stress.
27.Researchers believe that moderate stress during childhood is related to:
a.heightened aggression.
b.later achievement.
28.The general-adaptation syndrome is:
a.an unhealthy response to a crisis.
b.one of the six defense mechanisms.
c.a pattern of response to stress.
d.triggered by human instincts.
29.Ideally, stress occurs in a healthy range. The range varies according to:
a.the creation of alarm and resistance.
b.a person’s adaptability and stress tolerance.
c.an individual’s resistance and recovery.
d.physical and psychological symptoms.
30.The changes experienced during the first phase of the general-adaptation syndrome are controlled by the:
a.brain stem.
b.cardiovascular system.
c.nervous system.
d.endocrine gland.