21.Expenditures for claims and judgments and landfill post-closure care costs of governmental funds should be recognized to the extent that the liabilities are going to be paid with available resources.
22.Interfund services provided and used are recognized directly as Revenues and Expenditures.
23.Interfund services provided and used are recognized as direct Increases and Decreases in Fund Balance
24.Special revenue funds are used when it is desirable to provide separate reporting of resources that are assigned to expenditure for purposes other than debt service or capital projects.
25.When closing the General Fund and Special Revenue Funds of a state or local governmental unit, the balance of the operating statement accounts and the balances of the budgetary accounts are closed
26.A special item is a significant transaction that is unusual or infrequent, but within the control of management.
27.GASB requires both extraordinary and special items to be reported separately after other financing sources and uses in the General and Special Revenue fund financial statements
28.The Debt Service Fund would record the receipt of money from the General Fund as nonoperating revenue on the activities Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance.
29.Proceeds from the Sale of Landin the General Fundis a source of funds and would be closed at year end.
30.Under the purchases method to account for supplies inventory, an asset is recorded when inventories are acquired, and the expenditure is recorded when the suppliesare consumed.