21) The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer reads data and instructions only from a read-only memory.
22) Optical disks are non-portable storage devices.
23) USB flash drives are used to back up data and transfer it from one computer to another.
24) Main memory is also called read-only memory.
25) A hard drive is much faster than a solid-state storage device.
26) A server farm can process only one service request per minute.
27) A bit is either a zero or a one.
28) A specification that a computing device has 100 million bytes of memory means that the device could hold up to 100 million characters.
29) One gigabyte is equivalent to 1,024 terabytes.
30) An exabyte is equivalent to 1,024 petabytes.
31) A terabyte is a larger unit than a petabyte.
32) A computer's performance depends on the speed of its central processing unit (CPU).
33) Magnetic and optical disks are examples of nonvolatile memory.
34) Saving one's work frequently is advised to tackle the issue of memory volatility.