21. Concurrent validation is the optimal means for determining validity because applicants are compared to current employees.
22. The strong generalizability of an assessment method can overcome weak reliability and validity.
23. An organization that has a large ratio of applicants to vacancies can better justify an investment for a selection method that accurately predicts good performers.
24. When managers are provided with detailed cost information about selection methods, they adopt the best selection methods.
25. Fairness deals with more than the legality of a hiring action and includes an assessment of potential bias or discrimination associated with a given selection method.
26. The purpose of employee selection is to make decisions that discriminate against some people based upon differences related to job performance.
27. During the selection process an employer should gather as much information as possible about an applicant even if it doesn’t appear to be relevant at the time.
28. Managers believe conscientiousness and cognitive ability to be the most important measures for predicting hirability.
29. People who are smart, good problems solvers, goal driven and organized perform better no matter what job they are doing.
30. Cognitive ability tests predict achievement more than potential.