2000 words with a presentation

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2000 words with a presentation

BIT247: Supply Chain Analytics Assignment 2 (40%) Total: 100 Marks Due Date: Week 12 Assignment Overview This assessment requires that you write a report and present it to the class. Professional Report of about 2000 words (excluding table of contents and appendix). This part of the report builds on Part A of the previous assignment. Requirements Assume you are a student at the Melbourne Polytechnic and working part time as a supply chain analyst at both organisations you have identified in Part A. The director of supply chain of each organisation has asked you to analyse the status of the organisation's supply chain and the e-business environment. As a supply chain analyst, you will analyse and evaluate the two organisations’ supply chain management, logistics processes and their use of technologies, and recommend improvements to their strategies and processes. With the material you prepared in report 1, write an essay of your findings in a report that should cover the following aspects: 1. Using the models you identified in the literature review in report 1, analyse the existing supply chains of your chosen case studies. Make sure to discuss aspects of the supply chains that match your chosen model as well as those which do not match. 2. From your analysis, draw conclusions on the current health of the supply chain and use the modes to make some recommendations that may either help identify improvements in the supply chain or make recommendations for improvements in the supply chain. 3. Write an executive summary for the report (Max 1 paragraph - ½ page) 4. Prepare a final report document that includes the material from your first assignment. The final report must be laid out in the following format: • Cover Page • Executive Summary • Table of Contents • Introduction • Description of organisation 1 (From Part A) • Description of organisation 2 (From Part A) • Comparison of Supply chains (From Part A) • Literature Review (From Part A) • Analysis of Organisation 1 • Recommendations and Conclusions, Organisation • Analysis of Organisation 2 • Recommendations and Conclusions, Organisation 2 • References https://webems.rmit.edu.vn/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://blackboard.rmit.edu.vn/webapps/portal/tab/_1_1/%2520/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_2_1%26url=%252fwebapps%252fblackboard%252fexecute%252flauncher%253ftype%253dCourse%2526id%253d_922_1%2526url%253d https://webems.rmit.edu.vn/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://blackboard.rmit.edu.vn/webapps/portal/tab/_1_1/%2520/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_id=_2_1%26url=%252fwebapps%252fblackboard%252fexecute%252flauncher%253ftype%253dCourse%2526id%253d_922_1%2526url%253d BIT247 Supply Chain Analytics Melbourne Polytechnic Page 2 of 6 Your document must include headers with the document title, footers with your name, student ID and page number. References must be in the Harvard format. Assessment Criteria This assessment contributes to your overall grade for this subject: • A report written in MS Word (70%) and compiled down into PowerPoint: 20% • An oral presentation: 10% Presentation details During week 12, you will be required to give a brief 8-10 minute presentation to the class explaining one of the case study reports. The report presentation is to be addressed to management. The purpose of the report is to give management an overview of the findings and to point out items that need particular attention. You will need to briefly describe the Organisation, its supply chain, the model(s) used to analyse the case and state your recommendations. You will not have time to discuss your report in detail, so you should only address the most significant aspects of the report. You are expected to be an active member of the audience for other student’s presentations. Late presentations will not be accepted without official special consideration (medical or family emergency). You may use any appropriate presentation technology to support your presentation, but it is up to you to organise anything that is not part of the usual classroom facilities. Some points to note about your presentation: You should assume that while the audience is not familiar with the particular case study, they have some knowledge of the fundamentals of supply chains. For instance, while you would not expect to need to explain SCOR, you might need to use it to explain your analysis. Delivery • Do not read out a prepared speech. • Do not use slides unless they are needed (tables, graphs, pictures). • Either use cards (with few words) that are small enough to fit in your hand (business card size is good) or make a sheet with big print headings (and nothing else) and lay it on the table where you can glance at it occasionally. • Do not block the slides presented; they should be visible to the viewer throughout your presentation. Preparation • Structure your presentation. There is much to be gained from organising what you will say. Make sure you have a suitable introduction and conclusion. • Prepare your speaker's notes in the form of brief headings, and use these as prompts. If you are familiar with the material (as you ought) then you should be able to talk about it. • Practice your presentation. If you have not given it out loud (preferably to a friend) you haven’t prepared it. • Slides should support your presentation, not replace it. • Find an opportunity before your presentation to see how the projection system works. Plagiarism All used sources must be properly acknowledged with references and citations, if you did not create it. Quotations and paraphrasing are allowed but the sources must be acknowledged. Failure to do so is regarded as plagiarism and the minimum penalty for plagiarism is failure for the assignment. The act of given your assignment to another student is classified as a plagiarism offence. Copying large chucks and supplying a reference will result in zero marks as you have not contributed to the report. BIT247 Supply Chain Analytics Melbourne Polytechnic Page 3 of 6 Assessment Rubrics, Assignment II Presentation: Report: Student: ID: N A Attempt Poor Good Very Good Excel Report has an identified purpose i) Executive Summary (5) ii) States the purpose of the report; (5) iii) Describes the report structure. (5) Body of report i) Case Study 1 analysis (10) ii) Case Study 2 analysis (10) iii) Conclusions/ recommendations. Case Study 1 (10) iv) Conclusions/ recommendations. Case Study 2 (10) References & Grammar i) Citations used and indicated correctly (Harvard); (5) ii) Grammatical expression is satisfactory. (5) iii) Report format (5) Turnitin Score: Gross Result: Turnitin adjustment Each situation needs separate evaluation by the lecturer) i) No significant matches (No reduction) ii) Insufficient material written by student (10%-100% of marks) iii) Copied paper report receives a fail: 0 marks awarded iv) Not submitted to Turnitin (-50% earned marks) Late submission deduction Total Result (Max 70) BIT247 Supply Chain Analytics Melbourne Polytechnic Page 4 of 6 Marks Description of Marks Excellent The criteria have been comprehensively addressed, is well presented, and provides extra insight. Very Good The criteria have been fully addressed and well presented. Good The criteria are discussed, but not in much depth. There may be minor flaws or the criteria have not been fully addressed. Poor Shallow, some attempt to address criteria with some relevant information but the concepts are not clearly applied. NA Not attempted or completely irrelevant attempt. Due Date & Submission By the due date, you must submit: 1. Name your file with your student number and name. 2. Upload the file to MOODLE via Turnitin. Late submission of assignments will be penalised as follows: • For assignments 1 to 5 days late, a penalty of 10% (of total available marks) per day. • For assignments more than 5 days late, a penalty of 100% will apply. Your submission must be compatible with the software (PDF/Word/Video) in Melbourne Polytechnic, Computer Laboratories/Classrooms. Extensions: Under normal circumstances extensions will not be granted. In case of extenuating circumstances—such as illness—a Special Consideration form, accompanied by supporting documentation, must be received before 3 working days from the due date. If granted, an extension will be only granted only by the time period stated on the documentation; that is, if the illness medical certificate was for one day, an extension will be granted for one day only. Accordingly, the student must submit within that time limit. Penalties may apply for late submission without an approved extension. Penalties: Academic misconduct such as cheating and plagiarism incur penalties ranging from a zero result to program exclusion. BIT247 Supply Chain Analytics Melbourne Polytechnic Page 5 of 6 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY All assessments (except for final examination) and feedback are provided via the MOODLE site and in classes. Assessment Tasks: Due Date Subject Learning Outcomes %Weight Comments Test - Written assessment with short answer questions testing the application of SCM theory to practice (30 minutes) Week 4 a 10% Individual Case Study - Discussion of a case study of a nominated organisation’s supply chain management, logistics processes and their use of e-business technologies. (1000 words) Week 8 b, c 20% Individual Report and Presentation - Suggested topic: Analytical report evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of chosen SMEs’ supply chains and recommending improvements to its strategies and processes. Presentation of key recommendations from the analytical report above, using effective communication and presentation skills. Report (2000 words) 30%. Presentation (10 minutes) 10% Week 12 b, c, d, e, f 40% Individual Examination - Written assessment of knowledge and application of supply chain management and e-Business. (1.5 hours) End of Semester b, c, d 30% Individual Marking criteria Marks are allocated as indicated on each question, taking the following aspects into account: Aspects Description Analysis (if appropriate) Investigation, comparison, discussion
Answered 1 days AfterJun 08, 2022

Answer To: 2000 words with a presentation

Aditi answered on Jun 08 2022
95 Votes
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Cohlear Ltd
Comparison of s
upply chains
The firms COCHLEAR LTD and SYNNEX LTD are evaluated in these slides. The use of supply chain tracking across a variety of businesses, as well as how it should be managed and executed. Improve relationships between the suppliers and the customers.
Both companies provide a variety of services. Their organizational systems are same, but their layouts differ. Connection Production management is now employed to give services to any firm that provides normal and fundamental items.
The model focuses how supply management in the businesses is demanding them to maintain a certain standard, as well as how they can improve their position and raise the company's requirements.
Cohlear Limited
Cochlear is a medical device company that designs, manufactures, and supplies the Nucleus cochlear implant, the Hybrid electro-acoustic implant and the Baha bone conduction implant.[3]
Based in Sydney, Cochlear was formed in 1981 with finance from the Australian government to commercialise the implants...

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