DISCUSSION Carefully discuss this assignment. This is the last assignment for the semester. This assignment worth 10% of your grade. NOTE: You are expected to show mastery of these questions to score...

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DISCUSSION Carefully discuss this assignment. This is the last assignment for the semester. This assignment worth 10% of your grade. NOTE: You are expected to show mastery of these questions to score a good point. You do no have to copy verbatim from textbook or online. Show through your discussion of these two questions that you understand the subject very well. You must site examples to get a good point on this assignment. I expect about two pages on these discussions. 1. Summarize the differences between probability distributions and empirical distributions. 2. Identify the rules of probability and why they are important in research.
Answered Same DayApr 25, 2021

Answer To: DISCUSSION Carefully discuss this assignment. This is the last assignment for the semester. This...

Rajeswari answered on Apr 26 2021
154 Votes
1. Summarize the differences between probability distributions and empirical distributio
Probability distribution is a distribution which consists of probability for a random variable taking a particular value.
Eg: Binomial with (6,0.1) (say)
We have distribution as
P(X=r) =
Thus we need not do any experiment to find out the probability for x taking any particular value. We can substitute the x value and get result without really doing the experiment.
Even continuous variables have probability distribution theoretical. Examples are normal, t distribution, Uniform, etc. In this case also we know the probability for a particular value of x from the std probability distribution for these and hence it is not necessary to do experiments and arrive probability.
But for empirical distribution, the probability depends on the data set. We do actual experiments and record data for sufficiently large number of trials....

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