2. Give this two tables an appropriate title and analyze/interpret the results of each table. (5 sentences) Case Processing Summary Cases Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent mother's...

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2. Give this two tables an appropriate title and analyze/interpret the results of each table. (5 sentences)<br>Case Processing Summary<br>Cases<br>Included<br>Excluded<br>Total<br>N<br>Percent<br>N<br>Percent<br>N<br>Percent<br>mother's age * type of<br>50<br>100.0%<br>0.0%<br>50<br>100.0%<br>delivery<br>Report<br>mother's age<br>type of<br>Mean<br>N<br>Std.<br>Minimum<br>Varianc<br>delivery<br>Deviation<br>e<br>CAESARIAN<br>32.55<br>20<br>5.661<br>25<br>32.050<br>NORMAL<br>31.00<br>30<br>4.899<br>22<br>24.000<br>Total<br>31.62<br>50<br>5.217<br>22<br>27.220<br>

Extracted text: 2. Give this two tables an appropriate title and analyze/interpret the results of each table. (5 sentences) Case Processing Summary Cases Included Excluded Total N Percent N Percent N Percent mother's age * type of 50 100.0% 0.0% 50 100.0% delivery Report mother's age type of Mean N Std. Minimum Varianc delivery Deviation e CAESARIAN 32.55 20 5.661 25 32.050 NORMAL 31.00 30 4.899 22 24.000 Total 31.62 50 5.217 22 27.220

Jun 11, 2022

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