2. Create a simple program that includes JFrame, JPanel, JLabel, JFields, JTextArea, and JButton. The program should ask the user for the following input:
• First name
• Last name
• Middle name
• Mobile number
• E-mail address.
3. Use the following methods and classes in creating the program:
4. Two (2) frames will be used in this program: OUTPUT and INPUT. The following conditions must be satisfied by the program.
Input Frame:
• Set the window name to INPUT.
• The input frame should collect all the details listed on Step 2.
• It should contain Submit and Clear All buttons.
• When the Submit button is clicked, it should generate the output frame and disable the Submit button.
• When the Clear All button is clicked, it should clear all the content that were entered by the user in the input frame, and close the output frame if it is open.
Output Frame:
• Set the window name to OUTPUT.
• The output frame should display all the details that were entered by the user with the corresponding label.
• The output frame should contain an Okay button.
• When the Okay button is clicked, it should automatically close the output frame and clear the content of the input frame
5. Clicking the Okay and Clear All buttons will refresh the program.
Extracted text: INPUT First Name: Juan Felipe Last Name: OUTPUT Dela Cruz Middle Name: First Name: Juan Felipe Last Name: Dela Cruz Reyes Middle Name: Reyes Mobile Number: Mobile No.: 12345678901 Email Add:
[email protected] 12345678901 Email Address:
[email protected] Submit Clear All Okay
Extracted text: public class EventDriven extends JFrame This should be the main class of the program and should contain the list of components and its corresponding declaration. public EventDriven This method should include the formatting of components in the INPUT frame. class btnSubmit implements This class should be within the public class EventDriven extends JFrame and should contain the actions that would ActionListener be performed by the Submit button in the INPUT frame. This class should be within the public class EventDriven extends JFrame and should contain the actions that would class btnClearAll implements ActionListener class btnOkay implements ActionListener be performed by the Clear All button in the INPUT frame. This class should be within the public class EventDriven extends JFrame and should contain the actions that would be performed by the Okay button in the OUTPUT frame. This will serve as the main method of the program. public static void main (String[] args)