2. Consider the following context-free grammar. S -- UIUIU U -+ OU |1U|e (a) Show that this grammar is ambiguous by building two parse trees for the string 010101. (b) Build an unambiguous...

2. Consider the following context-free grammar.<br>S -- UIUIU<br>U -+ OU |1U|e<br>(a) Show that this grammar is ambiguous by building two parse trees for the string 010101.<br>(b) Build an unambiguous context-free grammar for the language.<br>(c) Build a regular expression for the language, using the insights of the unambiguous CFG.<br>

Extracted text: 2. Consider the following context-free grammar. S -- UIUIU U -+ OU |1U|e (a) Show that this grammar is ambiguous by building two parse trees for the string 010101. (b) Build an unambiguous context-free grammar for the language. (c) Build a regular expression for the language, using the insights of the unambiguous CFG.

Jun 11, 2022

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