2. An airport has only one runway. When it is busy, planes wishing to take off or land have to wait. Implement a simulation, using two queues, one each for the planes waiting to take off and land....

Data structure: Using Java,
2. An airport has only one runway. When it is busy, planes wishing to take off<br>or land have to wait. Implement a simulation, using two queues, one each<br>for the planes waiting to take off and land. Landing planes get priority. The<br>user enters commands takeoffflightSymbol, land flightSymbol, next,<br>and quit. The first two commands place the flight in the appropriate queue.<br>The next command finishes the current takeoff or landing and enables the<br>next one, printing the action (takeoff or land) and the flight symbol.<br>

Extracted text: 2. An airport has only one runway. When it is busy, planes wishing to take off or land have to wait. Implement a simulation, using two queues, one each for the planes waiting to take off and land. Landing planes get priority. The user enters commands takeoffflightSymbol, land flightSymbol, next, and quit. The first two commands place the flight in the appropriate queue. The next command finishes the current takeoff or landing and enables the next one, printing the action (takeoff or land) and the flight symbol.

Jun 09, 2022

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