Microsoft Word - Peace Summit_Assignment 1_Rubric.docx COURSE PS362U: THE ISRAELI-PALETINIAN CONFLICT AND PEACE PROCESS Assignment 1: Description of role, 2-3 pages, double-spaced (10%) Write a brief...

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>> 2-3 pages, doubled-spaced
>> Topic: Édouard Philippe description & his position on Israeli-Palestinian issues** Instruction document attached **

Microsoft Word - Peace Summit_Assignment 1_Rubric.docx COURSE PS362U: THE ISRAELI-PALETINIAN CONFLICT AND PEACE PROCESS Assignment 1: Description of role, 2-3 pages, double-spaced (10%) Write a brief description of Édouard Philippe (Prime Minister, France). Describe his personal and professional background, appearance (if possible), major accomplishments and role in the conflict and peace process. Next, in about a page, describe how you believe he thinks about each of the final status issues listed below, citing information from your research. Include a photo if you like (noting that all photos, figures and tables should be in an appendix after the 2-3 pages of text. An appendix is simply a set of attachments that fall at the end of the paper). Total: /10 Grammar: /2 Citation formatting (follows a consistent, recognized citation style, where Chicago Author- Date is encouraged but not required): /1 Complete and plausible role description explaining who the character is and what his or her personal and/or professional background is: /3 Complete and plausible position on at least four of the final status issues, citing where the information has been obtained: /4 ISSUES 1. Borders How much and which land will be part of the Israeli and Palestinian states? Related issues: Nature of the border of a Palestinian state vis-à-vis Jordan (contiguity), passage between the West Bank and Gaza for Palestinians and border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt 2. Security How will Israelis and Palestinians be both sovereign and live securely as neighbors? Will violent groups be allowed to meet and demonstrate in Palestine and other places in the region? Will militias in Palestine and neighboring states be allowed to obtain and use weapons? What institutions will ensure security in Palestine in the early years while state institutions are developing? Who will protect settlers in the West Bank if settlements remain within the larger borders of the Palestinian state? What will the Palestinian armed forces, if any, be like? If Palestine is not allowed to have an army, which forces will ensure its security? Related issues: Nuclear weapons, Israel/West Bank barrier, control of terrorism and incitement at home and abroad 3. Refugees (Right of Return) and the Character of the Israeli State Related issues: How many displaced Palestinians and their descendants will be allowed to live as citizens in Israel? What will other countries in the region and outside the region do to provide citizenship for all Palestinians? What will be the criteria for citizenship in Palestine? What institutional framework will be in place to handle cases and appeals for Israeli, Palestinian, or foreign citizenship? Will Israel retain its character as a democratic and Jewish state in its Basic Laws? Will Arab Israelis have equal rights? 4. Water How will water resources (e.g. lakes, rivers, aquifers) be divided between Israel, Palestine and Jordan? What institutions will be in place to ensure that one or more of the parties does not spoil or sabotage the water of others? Will Syria have direct access to Lake Tiberias? 5. Settlements in the West Bank/East Jerusalem/Golan Heights Which settlements, if any, will be allowed to remain in the West Bank? Who will provide for the security of the settlers if they stay within the West Bank? 6. Jerusalem and Holy Places Will Jerusalem be divided? If so, how? Will Jerusalem be the capital of Israel, Palestine, or both? Who will control the holy sites and how will access to those sites be ensured by the state or states in control of them? 7. Palestinian Statehood and Institutions and Foreign Aid A two-state solution requires mutual recognition of the Israeli and Palestinian states and recognition of the Israeli state by all regional actors. How will this be achieved? Will groups in either Palestine or Israel and elsewhere that do not accept the existence of one of these state entities be legitimate and allowed to compete in formal politics or have the right of association? What resources will be available to build the capacity of Palestinian state institutions and bolster economic development? Who will “put the money on the table” to provide the glue that makes the peace plan stick? (i.e. How will nascent Palestinian institutions be funded and supported and as they develop capacity?) Since peace between governments if not enough, think broadly about the sorts of nonprofit and nongovernmental efforts that are needed to build interdependence and trust between people, not just governments.
Answered Same DayAug 18, 2021

Answer To: Microsoft Word - Peace Summit_Assignment 1_Rubric.docx COURSE PS362U: THE ISRAELI-PALETINIAN...

Bandita answered on Aug 24 2021
150 Votes
Table of Contents
1. Edouard Philippe    3
Professional Background    3
Personal Life and Appe
arance    3
Major Accomplishments of Edouard Philippe    4
2. Issues    4
Borders    4
Security    4
Refugees (Right of Return) and the Character of the Israeli State    4
Water    5
Settlement in West Bank    5
Jerusalem    5
Palestinian Statehood    5
Bibliography    6
1. Edouard Philippe
Edouard Charles Philippe was born on 28 November 1970 in Rouen, a city situated on the River Seine in northern France. His family works in a profession of dockworkers and he is the son of teachers. He moved to Le Grand-Quevilly where he went to Jean-Texier College. He obtained his secondary education at the Ecole de Gaulle-Adenauer in Bonn, and graduated at Sciences Po in the year 1992. Philippe has served as an artillery officer in 1994 during his national service. After his national service, he carried on with serving in the operational reserve for many years
Professional Background
Edouard Philippe took the post of Deputy Mayor of Le Havre in the year 2001 and was charged with legal affairs. However, in the year 2002, Philippe failed to win the constituency in the legislative elections. Philippe has served as the director general of services of the UMP until the year 2004 under Juppe. Later in the year of 2004, he served in the private sector, where he worked with Debevoise and Plimpton LLP; an American law firm. He was then elected in 2004 in the regional council of Upper Normandy. Philippe was elected to the general council of Seine-Maritime in the canton of Le Havre-5 in the year 2008. Philippe also took the position of the President at the Agglomeration community of Le Havre in the year 2008. In the year 2017, Edouard Philippe was elected as the Prime Minister of France. He served in the position until the year 2020 and resigned as Prime Minister on 3 July 2020[footnoteRef:1]. [1: Lucy Pasha-Robinson Edouard Philippe: Who is France’s new Prime Minister? (2017) Available from]
Personal Life and Appearance
Edouard Philippe is married to Edith Chabre,...

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