1.Write the recursive function Factorial. This function will receive an integer value that is O or greater and will return the factorial of that number. For example, 4 ! = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1. Factorial is...

1.Write the recursive function Factorial. This function will receive an integer value that is O or greater and will return the factorial of that number. For example,

4 ! = 4 * 3 * 2 * 1.
is defined recursively as

N ! (i.e.,
factorial)= N * (N-1) ! for N >= 1

O ! (i.e., "O factorial") = 1

Show the stack trace as it exists at its tallest point when it is called by Factorial ( 5).

2. Write the recursive function GCD (for greatest common divisor). The function will receive two integer values and will return the largest integer that can be divided evenly into both numbers . GCD is defined recursively as:

GCD of two integers (x , y) is x if y = 0.

GCDoftwointegers (x , y) isGCD(y, x MOD y) ify 0

Show the stack as it exists at its tallest point when GCD is called by GCD ( 3 5 ,

149) .

3.Declare a record type called Class_Grade that will hold the following information

about a students grade in a class:

• Lab average (a number).

• Homework average (a number).

• Quiz average ( a number).

• Whether or not current grade is passing (a boolean).

May 19, 2022

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