1.Who is the focus of your study? HARRY POTTER FROM THE HARRY MOVIE The Harry Potter movie has told us about equality, loyalty for the school. The magic is the part of the movie but the main part is...

1.Who is the focus of your study? HARRY POTTER FROM THE HARRY MOVIE
The Harry Potter movie has told us about equality, loyalty for the school. The magic is the part of the movie but the main part is the training of small magician and teaches them to choose right path. The upcoming magician can decide what is good for them. During the learning process various students find out various magical words and methods that they can use to safeguard themselves. One main point that was common in all classes that nobody was allowed to display his or her abilities before common people.
The focus of the study is the magic wizard Harry potter, from the Harry potter movies. The study throws its significance on the character of Harry potter who is training to be a magician in the school of magic and the encounters he undergoes in the school of wizardry.
B1-C2: How do culture, significant others, and institutions shape their personality?
The Harry Potter movie is the one of the popular movie in the world. In this movie Harry Potter is the kid who went to school where they teach the magic to the students. In this school students are taught in different ways. The movie main stream was not magic. In this movie it was clearly said that the Harry potter has a great skill. He wants save his school from devils without caring for his life. He follow the path of truth due that he won the fights for the school against the devils. He came to know that his parents where great magicians and died for the school safety. He was to take revenge from the devil who wants to conquer the school. He never tried to disobey the rules of the school. In this movie magic is the part of the movie but the main point of movie is truth and loyalty for the school. Harry Potter could get lots of power from the Lord Voldermont if he joins him. But his priority was school and his loyalty for school. In every part of Harry Potter many villain came to help Lord Voldermont. All villains were the members of the school and they were given opportunity if they will help him to destroy school.
The culture of magic and the school which teaches magic is a part of the culture of learning something different. Magic was considered to be a part of very impromptu learning. Though it was not a part of mainstream learning, magic by itself was considered to be a great skill .Magicians are great personalities as they are able to get the attention of people on whom they practice their magic and wizardry. The Harry potter novel and the plight of Harry potter who wants to avenge the killing of his parents is set in family story.
B3-D2: What influences their self image?
In this movie self image plays major role. In this movie every main character feels that he or she is superior in the magic arts. Harry tries to learn more and more from the teachers. He tries to collect lots of knowledge from his regular life. In this movie we find that Harry Potter parents were the great magician due to that he has good efficiency to become a great magician. The meaning of self image is one has abilities, appearance, and personality. All these quality harry potter had in him. He has ability to learn magic and try to join every event that happens in the school either he know or not. In a short time he becomes popular student of the school because he faced Lord Voldermont without thinking about his age and tendency of his qualification of magic which was less than the villain.
Self image plays a major role in Harry Potter. Every character feels that he is superior in the arts that he knows and Harry Potter sets looking out for those skills that he has been taught .he feels that his learning from his parents is the greatest gifts and this is his self image.
C3-D2: How do their values, experiences, and relationships affect their rational choices?
In this novel as we saw every character either teacher or student want to grab the power and popularity in school. Due to that they choose the wrong track but the Harry Potter never feels proud of his capabilities and power. He only wants his friends and school teacher should be protected from the Lord Voldermont. The teachers want to become the principal of the school. Due to that they try to help the Lord Voldermont. Many students want to show down Harry potter. The school divided the student in different groups according to the royalty of parents. This was main cause of student were against the Harry Potter.
Though the values do play a major role in the harry Potter series, rational choices are forsaken for power and greed and relationships are affected by the seemingly power hungry hordes of students and teachers of magic.
D1-3: How and why do they perform differently with different groups?
The difference was the interest of performance which was according to capabilities of parents. That was the main reason of the competition between students. All the groups need to do hard because at the end point all of them collected medals. The calculated points will make the group winner. The minus points were to be given to the student who didn’t obey the rules and regulation. Due to that some students intentionally tried to misguide other group students.
The Group of students was made according to capabilities of each student so that they can learn according to their efficiency. The school wants the children to learn more according to their efficiency. The children were divided into groups so as to teach them to live together and struggle for one group. At last they collected point made by the members according to the efficiency of the students.
This is set to a fiction and hence in order to sustain interest they perform differently.
D2-3: How and why do they deviate and/or conform to different groups?
The deviation happens according to capabilities of individual groups. In these groups all student belong to the different families. The groups were based on the parent’s popularity.
The deviation happens because of individual differences.
D3-F1: How has inequality of wealth, power, and/or prestige affected their life?
The inequality of wealth, power and prestige affected the student’s life. The groups were made on first day according to these capabilities. This was the main reason of competition between the groups. The higher power, wealth and prestige created inferiority complex in other students due to that they disrespected other groups. The higher quality group children also tried to harm the lower group.
This story revolves around power wealth and greed. This changes the equation of happy families and sets children out.
May 07, 2022

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